So part to of my Open water was... well on open water! As you may know i spent a night and 2 days out on the reef in order to complete this. 4 dives later in 4 different locations around Norman Reef and i was a fully qualified open water diver! I was then able to take a final 'fun dive' on my own... well with my buddy but without need for an instructor, great confidence booster having just completed the course!
So day one we head out on a day boat and have two dives in which we just swim around practicing our boyancy and performing lots of the different drills we learnt and practiced in the pool. After lunch we moared up next to the bigger 'Ocean Quest' Luxury yaught where we stayed and completed the course! A third dive on yet another part of the reef again swimming around and performing a couple of skills! took us to the end of a tiring day! although it most certainly not over! For those qualified there was a night dive 'guaranteed sharks' gutted i couldnt do it! although wasnt so bad, from the boat we could see in the light fish again with all kinds of colours, and LOADS of sharks! absolutely amazing! Some poor long fish put on a display for us, trying to avoid the sharks jumping out the water, the splashing only attracting more, i have an awesome picture of about 8 sharks all targeting in on this one fish! absolutely amazing! My instructor then also mentioned to us the possiblity of staying on to do the next level up again at an amazing price!
I lost loads of sleep on this as i wasnt sure if i would be able to do it from logistics. was heartbroken and i phoned my hostel and the lady helping me book all my trip south telling me that if i wanted to cancel and push backa again, i would have to pay so many rediculous cancellation charges that i had to decline! I was soo gutted though and everyone saw! my answer simple, i will jst have to do it further south!
We had another delicious meal for breakfast before going out for our 4th and final learning dive! this time going down to our max of 18m which was cool! we only performed one skill the emergency ascent and then we were off, just to explore and get more comfy wth everything! Once that was over we were all qualified :D such an amazing feeling! After a break we ventured into the water for our 5th dive!
Soo much fun im glad i pushed everything back for it! Was worth every penny! I was sad i couldnt do the extra bits but i will find somewhere! and was sad to leave my cool group as wed all got pretty close as youd expect after 4 days together! And envious they can do the extra parts and the night dive straight away... but my time will come! :)
Tomorrow i got a nice 6 45 am bus to catch to head south! looking forward to it although dno il enjoy the early start! hehe
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