Wednesday was arguably one of the hardest days i have had to experience on my own! I woke up in the morning with my eyes almost crusted over and they were completly red, was scary to even look at! i put it down to having just had them exposed to bright like for too long! having stayed inside and wearing sun-glasses seems to have calmed them down!
I got stuck inside though, through feeling tired and soo home sick i could do nothing but sit there wollowing in self pitty about how homesick i was! i spent hours there feeling sorry for myself, this lead me to making a decision id been debating over as to when to start doing some fo the activities! knowing i had to get out in order to start enjoying myself i went ahead and booked white water rafting and bungee jumping!
Rapids as with everything seemed to starting slow, being the only 1 to get picked up from that coaches trip so didnt meet the others until getting to the starting point, the others being 2 auzzie families! so i was very much on my own for a lil while, i kinda shifted towards wat looked like a nicer family when they split us to the rafts, this seemed like a gd idea, although it was quite quiet, it was nice! and i had a great time going down Grade 3s which were quite challenging Niagra Falls = Grade 6! so they wernt little ripples i assure you!
I should add that on the way up to the top of the rapids the tour guide was like this is part of the river your going down but you dnt do this bit, when i asked why the answer was very simple.... HUGe crocks own these waters... didnt really question that! lol The finishing point was Lake Placid! asing the place in the film where the crock eats a helicopter! although crocks arent normally seen there, apparently they are very much known of as little as 2km down the river from where we finished... scary thought!
Next then to this afternoon and bungee jumping! fear never really kicked in until i got there! maybe it was through tiredness or jst my new slight comfort with heights having stood looking over 12m high towers at PGL. However 50m is high looking up at it, looking down from a little platform 50m up looks f**king HUGE!!! although there was no way id back out!
It seemed to go so quick, from being strapped in and standing on the edge, had a sketchy picture taken and then '5,4,3,2,1' and i needed no persuation to go! although my intend to look like james bond swan diving never quite happened! i think maybe i held it for a second before i tried the trick birds use flapping my arms trying to fly! after someone asked what went through my head... the answer is not alot! your brain kinda goes blank and you are left jst kinda in ore about wat is about to happen! definately one of the scariest things iv ever done! would i do it again?.... DEFINATELY! :)
That lead to me being much happier and then had a ncie pizza with some ppl iv startd to get on with aswel! at 1 point i felt bad i was leaving them but im sure il make far better friends and im looking 4ward for everything to come! :)
i have made some rough bookings now for the Oz Experience traveling as wel so im abit more relaxed about that as wel! so all should be kl :)
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