The heat is already rising as we have breakfast, and is forecast to top 30C later. Looking through the aires book we find a nice spot by Lac de Maschaban near St Quentin sur Charente. Guessing it will be popular we aim to get there early. It’s another attractive route, mostly on ‘C’ roads and we arrive to find a good parking spot shaded by trees with views over the lake and fields.
By the time we’ve had lunch we decide it’s too hot to walk around the lake, but maybe we will later. With shades up and a light breeze we can just sit, read and relax. The guy in the next van is relaxed too, he has slung a hammock between his van and a tree and is an expert at lying still.
But the heat builds through the afternoon as more vans arrive an by 17:00 it’s 32C and oppressive so we decide to stay cool with the fan running.
Cooking smells fill the air in the evening, wine corks pop, a game of boules is played and gradually the air falls quiet with a lovely pink glow over the lake. It’s still 28C when we go to bed.
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