11.10.07 Saturday
The British Museum is amazing.After a huge English breakfast I spent the entire morning at the museum with my ipod rolling.What a great stroll through.I realized that I like museums, but they are not as much fun unless you have someone to go wow look at this with so I made a pretty quick round through and headed back to the room for a homemade peanut butter and honey sandwich complimented with apple and granola bar.Lunch of champions!
The afternoon I strolled about again and headed to the city docks know as St. Katherine Docks.This harbor is regulated with a lock and surrounded by flats and restaurants.I still did not find many good looking or well cared for boats.I guess all the rich Londoners keep their boats in Monaco!
Speaking of Londoners, I have never seen so many people in my crowding the streets.I have seen New York, but London tops even that.I found myself finding all the back alleys to get back to the room to avoid the masses.I must say London is GREAT to visit, but you won't catch me living here.Not only are there to many people there are way too many choices.I would go insane just trying to decide where to go out to eat.Luckily I am on a budget so it is to the grocery store for me!
I found a great little church tucked away where I am going for morning services and then it is off to Twickenham to meet David Butt and old family friend whom I have never meet.We are going to have lunch, share some stories and then it is off to Brighton to see the coast.I have arranged another hostel in Brighton as my couchsurfing does not work too well when it is the day before that you decide to go.No big deal luckily this one is a little less expensive than the one in London.
From Brighton I am heading to Chichester to spend two nights with Brenda Barrass another old family friend.So it looks like on Wednesday morning if I get the ticket booked tonight I will be on a ferry from Portsmouth to France and then it gets interesting!I better learn some French quick right.So if anyone knows anyone in France let me know I am always looking for a bed/couch/floor/barn to sleep in!
My insurance papers and permanent registration for the bike finally arrived today at Jonathans.He is sending it on to Brenda's for me to collect when I arrive.It is pretty interesting how you can get things done without phones and mailing addresses.
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