Of course as the days go on the classes tend to get longer and longer. Thinking back to the amount of time that we have been here in Italy we would of thought that we would be used to sitting in classes for 8 hours a day but every single time we have long days we count down the time for those classes to end. Some days are just rediculous it seems to us. Well we were in classes all day again, nothing to exciting. The day was boring but then late at night things changed; in the short version: a girl got her wallet stolen right outside the palace doors and it took forever for us to get a view pieces back. Then after we were dealing with all of that drama a car on the bridge thats right next to our home caught on fire so we all stood and watched that burn for what seemed like a few hours. It was pretty scary to think that we could feel the heat from the burning car and we werent even standing on the bridge near it. After that was put out it was probably 1 am and of course no one could sleep because they were all still upset with that nights events. It just sucks knowing what is going through someones mind after they have had thier wallet stolen, now I can say that im not the only one to have that happen to them this summer.
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