Tuesday May 17th: Today we had our very first quiz of the summer semester; it covered the Italian culture and the many (mostly confusing) ways of the public transportation. After we had our quiz we then started in to another long day of class. We began with a Roman Architecture lecture from Prof.Francesco Petruci. This was actually very interesting to listen to. After we had class we were left for a break which was 4 hours for lunch, in Italy lunch takes anywhere from 2-4 hours (which to us as Americans is crazy- in Italy there is no such this as "fast food".)After the 4 hour break in which many of us took afternoon naps-it was finally time for our conversational Italian class with prof. Torregiani. So far the Italian class has been my favorite out of all the classes because in order for us to become fluent with the language we need all of the practice and classes. Even though at times- it gets to be frustrating because they often tell us the wrong translations which in some situations have turned out to be very "interesting" I'll say and spare you the details. Let's just say that in the little time that we have been here I'm glad that we have found some Italian friends that are willing to correct us on our pronunciation and wrong usage of words which would save us the embarrassment of being laughed at as stupid Americans. Well tomorrow we head off to Rome, I'm super excited.
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