Yay for Friday!! That means one thing for us in Italy.. It's the weekend and no curfew! Usually on Fridays we don't have any scheduled classes and that means that we have more time for traveling and just having fun. However, today that was not the case. Today, we had only a few classes: Medeteranean Diet/Nutrition and First Aid and Emergency lectures. We talked mainly about the Italains diet and how it is very different from that of an American Diet. After that lecture was over it was time for our emergency lectures... it was interesting and the same old lecture from all of the health classes... we all thought it was over until they brought out the "little anne" doll and told us that we were all to practice our CPR on the dummy. It was really funny to watch everyone act our the "are you okay?" part of the demonstration... we were all laughing.. it was an uneventful day and then we were given the rest of the day off to get ready and prepare for the big party we are holding for the community tonight in our "home". So thats what we have/ prepared for the entire afternoon... preparing/buying enough wine and food for 150 people has been a little intesnse as we have seen so many people try to take charge of this event and yet nothing seems to go as planned.. i like to think that there are way to many type A people and not enough others to balance each other out... those of you that know me and my personality know exactly what I am talking about. So we have our big party tonight... from hearing about this party from past study abroad students they have said they had to shut it down because things got to crazy... I hope we don't have to do that haha.
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