Monday May 23rd: Today was the start of week three for us all in
Italy. We didn't really have much planned for classes today so we had
the opportunity to go and visit the local elementary and high schools
in Ariccia/Albano. We started the day out by walking up the dreadful
hill past the super market to the elementary school where they
performed for us the routine they are performing for the 150
anniversary of their country. It was absolutely precious. After we
visited the elementary school we then went to the high school where we
got to interact with the sophomores and the seniors, it was amazing at
how well they spoke English to us. We got the chance to listen to them
and their dreams and to ask/ answer questions about Italy and the
united states. Funny thing was that all of them told us that we
wouldn't want to live in Italy because the government is corrupt and
the job market sucks. It was interesting to hear that since we are all
in love with this place. The top reasons when asked why they wanted to
come to the united states was because 1. They love Brittany Spears and
2. They have a love for Starbucks... We all started laughing at those
top 2 choices. After we visited the schools we had our first cooking
lesson with Mary Lou- we cooked the best pasta with bacon. After lunch
we had an introduction to the rest of the week.
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