Now in England I would have climbed into a car, put the postcode into Tom Tom got exact directions and off I would have driven.
In Cambodia I asked Bunthorn to arrange visits to our target schools. He rang and so arranged. He got exact directions from the school director and then asked in the office to confirm. So with confidence I set off - Bunthorn was obviously never as confident as he always got back up directions.
So far we have never got to a school first go - he has had to ring the office everytime - see picture. I have to say we have always been on the right road, not always going in the right direction, but always on the right road!!
The other difference - roads in England are generally smooth and well made. The pot holes are - believe me - small and insignificant. Some roads in Cambodia are like that as well - not however the ones going to my target schools. This morning I had an hours massage along with a good upper arm workout. One time I honestly thought I was going to be bounced right off. Bunthorn now feels I am more confident as a passenger, so drives as he would if he didn't have an old lady on the back.
It is such fun, like being 5 again and Dad driving fast over a hump back bridge so that we all banged our heads on the roof - or at least we thought we might.
- comments
Jan I always do think using Satnavs is so boring.