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Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia

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Chbar Mon, Cambodia

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Krong Kampot, Cambodia
Chris & Rog It is amazing how quickly the year has gone and how easily you have become used to a totally different way of life. Home will feel strange and cold. Look forward to catching up. Have a fantastic Christmas, love to all the family xx
re: Goodbye Kampong SpeuChris Hi Liz, I’m not sure if commiserations or congratulations are in order, but it always soundedlike it’s been a wonderful experience. If your heading to the UK be prepared for a snowy landing.
re: Saying GoodbyeSue Thank you for uploading latest photos, Liz. The pictures of water and sunrise/sunset are beautiful.
re: Training in KepJan It was the same on Sunday. Saturday night at 9pm people eating, rubbish everywhere, marquees, huge outdoor stage. Sunday everything gone- no rubbish, no sign of ropes round grassy areas (not sure what they were for other than stepping over to have your family picnic), no marquees, no stage- all peaceful and clean. We did see lots of people doing what looked like a community clear up in the morning by the river.
re: Water Festival - Day 2Jan It sounds good and obviously lots of enthusiasm but I didn't understand ALL of the initials.
re: ExhaustedNancy Sounds fun! Hope the rest of the week goes well. How many spare copies of everything did you take?
re: ExhaustedNancy Yes I enjoyed my Cambodian bus journeys as well, and at least you seemed to be going the right way on the dual carriageway!
re: Starting at my new ProvincesJan Sounds like a good idea. Chas is researching cooking curries, so he should give Cambodian ones a go.
re: Learning to cook- last visited

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Jan How lovely!