Last night we finished our first day off with a wander around Koh San Road.
It looks completely different at night than what it does during the day!
We had a few drinks, got some food from the street vendors and then called it a night!
We had to be up early this morning so thought an earlier night would be better, although I was awake at 3am and unable to go back to sleep!
We started our wedding arrangements today and had to meet with the person helping us across town.
We showed a taxi driver the address and were dropped off in a very local area on the right road but quite a way from the building we needed!
We found it eventually but not before freaking out about where we were an if we were in the right place!
When we found the building we couldn't find the room we needed, which when we asked a security guard we were given a visitors badge in exchange for one of our passports! It ended up being Shane who then had a freak about whether he would get it back!
Finally when we were at the office we needed to be at we finalised the paperwork we needed for the embassy and signed some more forms before leaving to submit and sign or paperwork at the British embassy.
I figured we would get a taxi or a driver to take us but instead the friend of the women helping us with the legal side turned up!
So we had yet another drive around Bangkok, which has to have the scariest roads! When we arrived at the embassy me and Shane had to go in alone, but it was all quite straight forward and quick!
We now need to wait for the next steps to be completed before getting officially married on either Friday or Monday!
On the way back we got a tuk tuk! He offered us 200 baht for the return journey which was much cheaper than the 800 baht taxi that had taken us there! However after setting off he said he would make two stops at different places that would give him fuel coupons. He even had a laminate explaining what we had to do when we got there! We did tell him we would prefer to go straight home, and ended up paying double but it was worth it after the early start and long morning we had had!
The rest of the afternoon so far we have just chilled out at the pool and got some food which we went to McDonald's for! We really shouldn't have but it was so good, really cheap and the fries and drinks that came with it were huge!
So now we are just chilling out in our room and deciding what to do tonight! We have another early start tomorrow, for a day trip to see tigers and elephants, so will probably have another quiet one! But we will see what happens!
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