Kya Travels
This morning when we got up, we went for a walk with Marianne to the Jorvik Viking Centre, to check it out. As you walked in, the floor was made of glass, and you could look down onto an excavation site, which I'm not sure if its the real thing, or just a replica, as there was a real Viking village which had been excavated there when they pulled down an old confectionary shop (how dare they!). When we walked through that room, we went on a ride, where you sit in a carriage and are slowly taken through a reenactment of an old Viking village, while there is a running commentary on the scenery from the speakers behind your head. There were animated mannequin type Viking villagers all through the exhibition who were going through their daily businesses, and some of them even had a chat to the lady in the speaker! One of them had a face that was modeled on an actual Viking whose bones were found and digitally reconstructed. It was pretty awesome. All through the ride as well, there was supposed to be the real smells of the village too, like the fire, and dinner cooking on the stove, and the smells of the market. I was pretty blocked up cos of my cold, so I couldn't really smell it though! When we got off the ride, we walked into the next room, where there was a massive school group! We hung back behind them, and looked at the skeletons of Vikings that were on display, that had been excavated at that site. Then we decided to give that bit a miss and head back around to the start of the centre to do the ride again, so the school group had time to move on! So we went on the ride again, this time videoing as we went (shhh don't tell!), and by the time we got through again there was a bit more room to move, although it was still pretty crowded! We walked through the exhibitions where they had lots of artifacts that had been found while excavating, and lots of information about life, and especially life in Jorvik (Viking name for York) in the Viking era. We went out through a gift shop, where Darren dressed up as a Viking, and I bought some "midget gems". Or just lollies. Then we went off to find some lunch. Marianne had brought her lunch with her, but decided to join us anyway, for the company. We walked to a small cafe called Lucky Days which Darren and I had walked past the other day, where you roll the dice, and if you get a 6, everything you got is £1 each! So we went in and ordered. You get to choose your main meal, then you get a bit of all the salads they had on display. I got a frittata and Darren got a panini and a drink, then we headed to the counter... And Darren rolled a 6!!! So we paid £3 for everything we got! Amazing! It really is a lucky day! After lunch we said goodbye to Marianne and headed around the corner to the Roman bath pub, where there was a small museum in the basement. Apparently in the 70's there was a fire in the building, and because of that, they discovered the remains of a Roman bath house! So they excavated that area and it's now on display as a museum, along with some information and other artifacts. The guy that worked there told us that there was only 2% of the roman era remains that had been excavated in the whole of York! Which is crazy, cos it means you're pretty much walking over the Roman settlement wherever you go! Crazy! We put on some (heavy!) Roman helmets for a photo, then headed back out. We said bye to Lyle, then Darren and I walked up to the chemist, as he wanted to see a doctor for his cold/chest infection thing. We went to the chemist to ask where to go, and were told to head up to the walk-in centre at the hospital. So we headed up that way, and after a detour through the hospital and a stop for directions, we went into the emergency walk in centre, and waited to see someone. Apparently it was a pretty quiet day there, because we *only* had to wait for two hours to see someone!! Eventually we got in, and Darren had a chat with them and got given some sort of steroid to help with his asthma while he had the cold thing, and also some antibiotics in case it turned into a chest infection, which usually happens every time with Darren! Hopefully it'll stay viral and the steroids will be enough to keep it at bay! We got the prescriptions filled then headed back down to the hostel, where Lyle and Marianne were out the front at Kennedy's. We hung out there and were joined by pretty much the whole dorm room, Meike, Daniel and Laura, and we all hung out and chatted for a while. Then Marianne had to go to catch her bus to her next adventure. We said goodbye to her, and the rest of the crew, then Darren and I headed off to get some Indian for dinner! We found the place that we were looking for yesterday, The Indian Lounge, and went in. Straight away we were a little put off by the wait staff.. They all seemed quite rude and abrupt, which is strange for an Indian place... I've never been to an Indian restaurant where the wait staff were anything but super friendly and helpful! So we ordered some food and watched the staff work. We think that the manager must be a bit of a d*** and all the floor staff were scared of him, because he just stood up the back watching them the whole time, and paced up and down the restaurant, and whenever they served or talked to a customer, he would come up and be standing over their shoulders watching and intimidating them. And if they were 3 seconds too late to clear a plate or fill a glass they got a bit of lip. (At least that's what it sounded like, they were speaking their language!) After dinner we headed back to the hostel and hung out and rested in the room, where we met our newest room-mates, Helena from Germany and Clara from Austria. We had a good chat with them for ages, they were so nice! Wish we had an extra day just to hang out with them!! They were heading out, so I grabbed a shower and Darren and I just lay in bed being sickies, getting ANOTHER early night! After a while, Clara and Helena came back, and we had another chat for a while. They were looking for suggestions on what they could do while they were in York, so we talked for a while longer, then they went back out and we went to sleep.
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