Happiness Is The Road
Got up at about 7 and it was chucking it down with rain. It had been thundering in the night. However I hadn’t heard any animal rumblings in the night so I was interested to see whether my apples and bananas were still there. They had gone!, so the possums must have been quietly!!!! I went to do my dishes from last night and the kangaroos were still here though, looking as cute as ever. I have really enjoyed it at Conto but wanted to move further along but wasn’t exactly sure where. I wanted to go to Augusta but I had been told to avoid it this weekend due to the Anaconda Adventure Race taking place and that all accomodation and campsites were fully booked. The Anaconda is a trail run, a cycle, a swim and a kayaking race.lHamelin Bay had been recommended to me by Alfie & Lisa so I headed there. It was raining and hailing on the way there and the weather was no better when I got there. I just sat in the camper for an hour or so planning the next few days and contemplating what to do with today. It was fairly cold as well. Suddenly there was a break in the cloud so I grabbed it and went for a walk to the beach and the view points. Even on a day like today Hamelin Bay is a beautiful place. Whilst at one of the view points I could see the rain approaching again from over the sea, so thought I’d better get a move on. Only just made it back to the camper in time before another deluge! I had been studying my Camps 6 Guide before, this is the Australian camping bible. It lists all the cheap and free sites in the country. My choices were to stay where I was and go to Hamelin Bay Holiday Park or go to Alexandra Bridge camping area or Booranup camping in the National Park. I decided to go with Alexandra Bridge as they had showers. Myself and TOMTOM followed the directions exactly but when I got there there was no sign of a camp area atall. There were two dirt roads when I got to the correct turn off, one was to a farm and the other was so overgrown I didn’t want to go down there with the camper. There was no sign for a camp site. Okay no problem, onto Boranup which wasn’t that far away. I didn’t like Boranup, it was similar to the Conto cmapgropund but something about it gave me the creeps. My gut feeling was not to stay so I headed back to Hamelin Bay Holiday Park. Did see a Kookaburra up really close before I left there though so it wasn’t a wasted journey. Got a spot at Hamelin Bay no problem for only $20. It was lovely here among the trees and not far from the beach but too wet to do much. I went for a nice hot shower first and then caught up on reading and listened to a load of music. The forecast for the next few days is getting better. Just a slight blip today in otherwise pretty perfect weather. Comfort food tonight, bacon egg and beans. When I went to the amenities block I got swooped by one of the magpies. There are loads of them in Western Australia, you hear them squawking all the time. Someone told me that it’s very common to be swooped by them. In bed asleep by 9. Nitey night.
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