Looking back I seem to have completely missed our stay in crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize . This cannot be allowed as it was such an amazing place. Situated 10 km along a dirt road it is a series of wetlands that harbour 1000s of birds from water birds to huge storks called jabiru. We spent hours with the camera catching colourful birds big and small. We camped by the water of a lagoon and it was fantastic to watch the herons and pelicans and lots and lots of other types of birds coming and going. We got up very early and found parrots and falcons, herons and storks in a wide variety of colours and sizes. Magic!
We are presently camped in the main Landrover dealer in Mexico City as we have a problem with Freddy who has lost power when driving and does top speed of barely anything on the hills!
This followed a wonderful day at a place where the monarch butterflies migrate to every year. We walked for over an hour to find millions of them in the trees, turning them orange and then when the breeze came it was such an amazing sight as they fluttered down and around us. Truly a memorable sight. We limped to the city which was about 4 hours away and we have since spent 3 days sleeping inside the garage next to the workshop and the brand new cars, really bizarre! We are locked in every night with the security guards and we even have shower and of course toilets. They have tried really hard to sort the problem but to date ( sat) we are still here and stuck!!!!
Jackie and Peter came with us but will leave tomorrow to make their way west and then north whilst we will head north to Texas. We will meet up later in the trip but it will be very strange to be without our companions.
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