We crossed the border into Honduras on Wednesday with relatively little trouble although we had to pay a fixer again as it is so unimaginably chaotic that we don't have a chance of working out where we need to go. The paperwork for the trucks often involves 3 or 4 different venues and this time 3 photocopies of all the relevant documents. Goodness knows what they do with them all!! We have to pay to enter and then to leave each country each time and the amounts never correspond with the paperwork!!
Honduras is so beautiful and such a surprise. The people are great and they smile and wave at us all the time. We are constantly stopped by passersby just to chat because we are gringos!!!
We stayed 2 days in the valley of Yuscaran and were allowed to camp in the garden of a restaurant for free. We ate in the restaurant and tried buffalo which was delicious. We climbed the local mountain Montserrat and explored the village which was charming and so laid back.
Moving north through wonderful pine forests we drove through Teculchigapa the capital and then to comayagua the former capital with old colonial buildings,on to this lake which is about 22 kms long and 10 wide. We are in the grounds of a hotel which is right by the lake and has swimming pools and lots of little cabins for visitors. We are of course camping . It has been really hot with rain at night. but the setting is glorious with lots of mountains with clouds on them. We were very excited to see huge numbers of birds and in the first 5 minutes saw red, orange and yellow birds just in the orange trees next to the truck. Amazing!!!! the bird noise is wonderful and goes on all the time.
We are heading to the Mayan ruins of Copan on the edge of the country before dropping into EL Salvador . the Landrover club there have already organised the paperwork for us to enter and they will meet us at the border at EL Poy next Saturday. They are organising activities for us and we even had an e mail to say that the British embassy is to reopen soon and that the staff were keen to meet us!!!!! We don't know what Jose does yet but he has been our liaison with the club and he must have lots of high-powered connections! We will have to try and smarten up a bit for the occasion!!!!
We enjoyed Nicuragua but Honduras is even better!!!!
- comments
Francesca Nice pj's mum!!