We crossed the border into El Salvador on Thursday with very little problem. We didn't even have to pay anything at all. Jose was there to meet us and then we followed him to the turn off for Suchitoto. This is a really lovely town right by a huge artificial lake that was created in the 80 s. The town was quiet and we camped right by the lake in the grounds of a restaurant which had a lovely large swimming pool that was really warm. We stayed for 3 nights and went for a boat trip and a walk by the volcano. Here we met Miguel who took the trouble to explain the history of the civil war which finished 20 years ago. He showed us round and pointed out the best shops to buy food . It was so good of him to give up his day for us.
On returning to the restaurant the owner invited us for a meal and we had a lovely evening tasting all sorts of typical foods and drinks. We loved the pupusas which are like filled tortillas. We had cheese and red beans which had been mashed and had herbs and spices on them. Mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!
We drove to San Salvador on Sunday and we met others from the club. We were taken to a Finca on the edge of the city where we met a family who entertained us all day with food and drink and also a tour of his coffee, orange and tomato plantation which was fascinating. The owner was in his 70 s and has always had Landrovers . We were made so welcome it was really amazing
Yesterday we stayed at the Landrover dealers whilst they did some repairs. Here Carlos the manager couldn't do enough for us and even took us on a tour of the city. Everyone wants us to have good memories of our stay, even though there are armed people everywhere which is quite intimidating!!!! the range rovers in the garage are all bullet proof!!!
tonight we are going to meet other members of the club and go for a meal.
- comments
Mum and Brian Sounds very relaxing for you for a change - fascinating to hear all the details - enjoy it all - Lots of love and good wishes