Hi! So I have arrived safely in KL this afternoon. Its strange to think that back at home its about ten in the morning and its nearly six in the evening here! I arrived very jet lagged as both planes were delayed by about two hours. It is so hot here, but more in an opressive way, there has already been a thunder storm since I have been here. I think I may be needing my umbrella a lot!
People had warned me about how persistent the taxi drivers at the airport would and they weren't wrong! But still, I was picked up at the airport by one of the people at my project. She took me to the guest house in which I am staying tonight.
Tomorrow I am to meet with the i-to-i rep in KL and have my orientation. I will then head on to my project at the YWCA.
I have slept off some of the jet lag and I am just about to head out to get something to eat. I am staying in China town and I have been told that all the hawker food stalls open about now. As usual I am hungry!
Take care,
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