Suppose you are sending home the smelly clothes from the jungle - thanks! Enjoy Singapore. Take care.
Mum xx
Hi... just discovered you sent me this link in my junk e mail. Sounds like your having a fantastic time!!! So pleased for you. Miss you xx
Enid Blyton not very PC!Pleased you enjoy the reading sessions. Sounds like you are having exciting weekends.
Malaysian topshop hey!Keep those Tesco shorts for me. I'm not on a rice/veg diet!!!Pleased the tan is developing!
Susan Dewey
The nerves will go as you become more confident! At least they are not under the table or doing a runner!! Fancy not trying the fish head curry! Have a good weekend. Take care.
Susan Dewey
How nice to be able to teach whatever you like in English. Just do fun topics that both you and the girls will enjoy learning!I've been struggling with' proper nouns' today - eek! Glazed looks on their little faces today -first day back!!
Alan Dewey
The cold showers are a direct result of the reduction in lodging money! Have fun
Susan Dewey
Nice to know somebody else is teaching tomorrow! Good luck on your first day
Susan Dewey
How could frog porridge compare with Waitrose or Sainsbury's!
Ros Dewey
Have some crispy duck for me!! And bring me back an orangutang!
Have sent details from loft to your e-mail address. Pleased to hear you have arrived safely and about to sample the local food!