Yesterday was one of those big days in your life. After quite a bit of soul searching, humming and hawing we put an offer on two properties here in Merida. I know when you see the pictures, you'll think - yes they have truly gone insane. Since arriving here on the first of the month, we've met an absolutely fabulous couple in Bob & Denice and they have been invaluable as we navigate the different laws, strategies and construction road blocks - we NEVER would have done this without their consultation and now friendship. I've attached some pictures of what it looks like NOW. I know you'll be shocked, but you're not seeing what I'm seeing. On these two lots, each 5M (16.4') by 60M (196.85') if successful in our offer, we will construct a ground-up build of a new 2,500 sq.ft. casa on our 6500 sq.ft. lot. This area of Santa Ana is the hub for renovation in Colonial Merida and will allow us to move into our southern dream-home in approximately 10-months. We hope to hear back from the real estate agent as to whether we have been successful or not. If not, then we go on. While we cross our fingers waiting for the results, we went out shopping yesterday with Bob, Denice and her 93-year-old mother Amy. Amy is simply amazing. She's witty, sharp and a real pleasure to be with. We needed to correct a cellular mistake of mine that I made with Bob's loaner cell so we headed to just one of the major shopping malls in Merida. Because of my limited capabilities with the spoken word in Mexico, I ended up transferring Bob's cell number over to my loaner and they completely cancelled his account. Thank heavens that we found an English speaking Tel-Cel representative that knew what he was doing and was able to clear up my mess. From there we headed out to the new Super Chedraui grocery chain. This would rival anything I've ever seen in North America. From individual food (pizza, pasta, sushi, deli) stations with even a sushi conveyor belt that allows you to select anything to your hearts content. Lovely produce, huge fresh fish and seafood - prepared to your individual requirements. Then it was off to yet another shopping mall where we decided to have a great lunch at Fuddruckers. How can you beat a great hamburger, fries and a beer for $99P ($5US). Then it was off to the new KONG movie, so we all got our 3D glasses, popcorn and drinks for next to nothing as compared to North American theatres. Just gotta love this country. Still nothing back from the real estate guy, but we're waiting by the phone. The agent that we've been dealing with on this project is an Irish bloke that owns Hennessey's Irish Pub on the main drag, Paseo Montejo - so with Deb's birthday falling on March 17th - St. Paddy's day, we've been invited over to his BIG - St. Patrick's Day celebrations at the pub for dinner. I think at this point Bob, Denice and hopefully Amy will join us in the celebrations. That's all for now, I'll be sure and keep you posted on the results.
- comments
Dan and Jo-Ann Wow never thought you guys would buy good luck
Candice How exciting! Best of luck with it all. We're having our huge March birthdays party on Deb's day, March 17, with margueritas and tacos. We have Sean, Caitlin, and me on the 9th, 18th, and 15th, respectively, and Sean's girlfriend, Shannon, on the 31st. Party time! We'll toast to Deb, as well.
Barbara Lewis Good luck guys. We hope it all works out
Jim and Cathy Smith Good luck you two. How exciting!
Rob Siebert Let me know if u need help to reno.
Les and Irene What a wonderful idea and present for Deborah's birthday. She a lucky Lady. Will you be travelling back and forth while the property is being built? See you both soon.
Catherine Gonzales Very sad that you won't be making your home in Ajijic. Although John and I plan to be in Merida this summer to train a new SkyMed rep. Best of luck you and Deborah.
Yvonne Evans W H O A Remember that place, along the Vedder, we drove and drove...ehem... Looks like you'll be busy : ) Looking forward to snacks in the garden!