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New blog entry posted
Cancun, Mexico

New blog entry posted
Merida, Mexico

New blog entry posted
Merida, Mexico
Les and Irene good to see you both happy "roughing" it down there. I just viewed all your posts all the way back to the beginning, quite the adventure! It's raining often here (surprise!) but have been out on the land starting the spring clean up, the hummers and robins are back, we had our 1st outdoor fire the other day. This AM Irene went out to go to work and found a scruffy coyote sheltering in the equipment shed. Spring is here! Good timing on your return to the great white north. Look foreward to hearing about your adventures over a glass of wine. Safe trip ho me Les And no, I am not a robot!

New blog entry posted
Merida, Mexico
Ian Hair Bob, great idea to use some of those wonderful museum shots as art work for your casa. Some would look awesome just printed onto stretched canvas or others enclosed in rustic-type frames. Get those creative juices flowing. BTW Bob, what is a Cenote?
Liz Rosa Ax always loving reading your blog. You should try to get to Chichen Itza. That'll educate you on Mayan culture. It's a fantastic experience.

New blog entry posted
Merida, Mexico
Robert Forster You're right Cathy, I never thought the situation with Terry would have turned out that way, but you were right all along.
re: Time for ReflectionJim and Cathy Smith Glad you have found new friends, too bad the old ones wore out....
re: Time for ReflectionTom Have a safe trip home. The weather is finally improving here. We are leaving in Apr for a Panama cruise to Vancouver. We are thinking of booking a tour with Gil of Tropical in Costa Rica,have you heard of them.
re: Just Four Days to Go !Les and Irene good to see you both happy "roughing" it down there. I just viewed all your posts all the way back to the beginning, quite the adventure! It's raining often here (surprise!) but have been out on the land starting the spring clean up, the hummers and robins are back, we had our 1st outdoor fire the other day. This AM Irene went out to go to work and found a scruffy coyote sheltering in the equipment shed. Spring is here! Good timing on your return to the great white north. Look foreward to hearing about your adventures over a glass of wine. Safe trip ho me Les And no, I am not a robot!
re: Look Ma - No CavitiesRobert Forster It just proves that great minds think alike. I went to a digital printer today to get two of my shots enlarged as a test. I will see the results tomorrow. One enlargement of a Mayan stoned face will end up being 4' x 6' - as the Donald would say - Huuuuuge.
re: Got Some Mayan Education TodayLiz Rosa Ax always loving reading your blog. You should try to get to Chichen Itza. That'll educate you on Mayan culture. It's a fantastic experience.
re: Got Some Mayan Education TodayIan Hair Bob, great idea to use some of those wonderful museum shots as art work for your casa. Some would look awesome just printed onto stretched canvas or others enclosed in rustic-type frames. Get those creative juices flowing. BTW Bob, what is a Cenote?
re: Got Some Mayan Education TodayMike Nichols Bob love the pictures and I agree you never know what is behind the lovely old doors /walls. Awesome.
re: Another Neighbor House TourSandra What a way to serve Caesar salad.! Great shot of the clock & cell tower! The old & the new! The past & the present!!
re: Board The Chicken BusCatherine Gonzales Bob, I love that you are writing in Spanish. Bu "Jelo" is spelled "hielo." Monday is Benito Juarez Day.
re: Board The Chicken Bus- last visited

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Jim and Cathy Smith Glad you have found new friends, too bad the old ones wore out....
Sandra Welcome home "kids"!! See u at Joe's soon!!
Robert Forster You're right Cathy, I never thought the situation with Terry would have turned out that way, but you were right all along.