Next day we headed north again towards the Foz Glacier, stopping of a couple of times on the way. First stop was the Blue Lakes which were actually pretty nice, got to climb over a massive suspension bridge which Brid hates, jumping up and down while we're both on it always amuses me. We stopped at Haast to phone the glacier companies, we wanted to do the ice climbing, they were both about the same price to climb on both glaciers but we decided to do the fox glacier as it was slightly cheaper. We drove up to Gillespie's beach so Brid could get some pics beside it and ended up camping there for the night.
Next day and up early to be at the glacier shop, luckily the weather was looking really good, this place supposedly gets 260days of rain a year. Our guides name was Mathew and we had 2 other Irish guys in our group who turned out to be a good laugh. We drove a couple of km's to the start of the glacier then hiked for about an hour up 700 stairs until we were about a mile from the start. We put on all our gear, crampons and stuff and headed off. It was good fun swinging our ice picks about and i'm sure the guide is used to people acting like idiots.
We made our way to our first climbing area, the guide set up all the ropes, I was annoying chosen first to climb up but I eventually made it, although I was 10times harder than I imagined it would be. Brid also made it up after she realized she wasn't gonna fall on her butt, one of the Irish guys didn't make it, he went the wrong way and left himself below a lip and there was no way he was gonna get over it. We climbed up and down a couple of times and then headed off for a walk around the glacier, the guide found an ice cave for us to mess around in and let us jump over crevasses. Brid fell on her butt at one point and totally bruised her knee but she made it through the rest of the day. The last ice climb we got to do was about 30metres, it was pretty hard and I decided to take the hard way up seeing as we would be doing this again in a while. Everyone made it up no problems this time and we finished our day taking some pictures before headed back to the shop, everyone was pretty sore as we'd on the ice the whole day. Brid and I found a campsite and arranged to meet the 2 Irish guys again later on for a pint. After showering and having a wee rest we eventually met up with the guys, watched some of the rugby (no-where ever seems to show football around here).
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