After landing in Cairns at around 4 pm following 35 hours of travelling and absolutely no sleep, I was shattered! There's being tired...and then theres being THIS tired, it takes it to a whole new level! All 3 flights were enjoyable, I watched 5 films and ate sooo much food taking full advantage of the complimentary wine too!
We got a taxi from Cairns airport to Dreamtime Hostel about 10-15 minutes drive away. The hostel was awesome with a typical Australian Aboriginal vibe to it. The hostel had just won an award for being the hostel that provides the best atmosphere in the whole of Australia and New Zealand...pretty impressive! Sarah and I took our bags to our room, a private room with just 2 beds, we had a shower and got ready for the hostel's evening BBQ and entertainment. Once ready, we sat out the front for about an hour before the BBQ just drinking and discussing the possible adventures ahead, we could hardly contain our excitement! I was just so happy to finally be here, 35 hours away from home and 3 months of my life dedicated to experiencing new cultures and opportunities!
At 7 pm, we made our way back into the main section of the hostel for the BBQ! Everyone seemed like they had been at the hostel for quite some time, they knew their way around! The BBQ was awesome, Sarah and I both tried Kangaroo and Crocodile for the first time and they weren't too bad! Kangaroo was red meat, steak-like, whilst Crocodile tasted like a slightly fishier version of chicken. Sarah managed to 'break the ice' with some of the other guys staying at the hostel by asking if any of them had a bottle opener...this would have been fine except the bottles didn't require a bottle opener! The group of guys looked at her blankly and replied "It's twist top...We're in Australia!". Sarah and I laughed so hard for agaes about it, good one Sarah, we're going to fit right in! Later in the evening, the hostel provided a fire show which was pretty good, followed by the owner playing the diggerydoo which was different! After, he let us all have a go at learning how to fire dance...minus the fire of course, and play the diggerydoo! Needless to say, neither of us did very well on these, although Sarah wasn't too bad with the fire dancing and I managed to get one note out on the old diggerydoo!
Anyway, after such a long couple of days travelling, I was surprise I'd lasted so long! I was in bed by 10 pm as we had an early start in the morning sussing out the area and picking up our new home for the next three weeks! How exciting!
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