Day 95 (LaTrobe University) - Bendigo, Victoria Australia
Today was tiring. I haven't been able to sleep in past 8am since last Sunday. But I will tomorrow. Out of nowhere I became exhausted and had a sore throat, like three hours ago NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO! I can't be sick AGAIN! Rest, fluids, and medication.Check, check, and check. I'm going to get the b****** before he gets me…Navigation today. It was a pain, getting a map and having to navigate in the bush to find these little controls (little flags with stamps on them to stamp your sheet with). Phil, our instructor, is a cool guy, but he points me out as the "international student" who has the biggest problem with learning this stuff, someone who doesn't HAVE to do perfectly like everyone else, and is clearly the weak link in the group. While some of this is true, you don't have to make it so obvious, I'm trying to be like everyone else and blend in with the group, and it's hard when you're calling me out like that. Anyways, I have such a hard time grasping all this stuff. I try, but it doesn't stick.I did alright on my first map when I had wilderness Dan following me. The only time he would talk was if I asked me a question, which I only had to do once because I doubted myself. But the second time I went out solo I got lost three times.Completely disoriented and turned around, walking twice as far as I needed. I still finished, not in order, but finished within an hour and like 15 minutes. I didn't think that was too bad.Yes, I was the last one to return, but I didn't quit or had to make a call. I'll have to do it again on Saturday for Safety in the Outdoors class…On top of a trip next weekend, a paper, and two presentations…sad day.
Got a better understanding of the Uni entrance system here: In Victoria year 12s take five classes the entire year, English being the only compulsory one. Each class is based out of 50 marks. Like at Uni, finals can be up to 80% of your grade and assignments are few and makeup large portions of your grade. All year 12s in the state of Victoria will take the same final exam at the same time with each subject. The average of those five marks create one mark which is used to get into Uni. And pretty much once you're in at a certain Uni, you're in for good. Transfers are pretty much nonexistent. I'm not a huge fan on this system. The high schools do a much better job at exposing students to possible careers fields by having them shadow professionals than in the US, but people can still obviously change their minds while in Uni and I don't see why it should be difficult for them to change if they want to.
So I went out on Tuesday.I had Molly take me Australian clothes shopping. I spent $130 on clothes: two t-shirts, a black - tight - pair of jeans, two hoodie things, and a necklace. I didn't think that was bad at all, but everyone else was making a big deal about it. Apparently we were at an outlet though. I also had to get cologne, so $50 for that. I've never bought cologne before, so that was interesting. Then Molly wanted to straighten my hair.I started drinking while she straightened my hair. I thought it looked pretty good.After I got changed into my Australian clothes everyone freaked out, I was bombarded with cameras and pictures. They all loved it. Then they gave me my birthday present, a LaTrobe hoodie. It was so giving of them because they're like $90, and being poor Uni students, it was kind.Then we went out, first to Universal, then Huhah, then back to Universal.I was "drunk" after 6 cruzers and a skittle bomb (thanks Liam). That was drunk enough. It was fun though - seeing everyone from Uni having a good time. I love dancing here because they don't play hip-hop/dry humping music like at home, just good dancing music.And you don't have to pay to get into the clubs, mainly because it's a Tuesday, but still.
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