Day 13 (LaTrobe University) - Bendigo, Victoria Australia
Today was filled full of new experiences. This afternoon I had the pleasure of skyping with room 307. I actually skyped longer with them than with my parents. Of course they were interested in Aussie guys - and the guys wanted to see American girls - so I brought Sam, Nathan, and James in during the chat. It was nice to hear of what's going on back in Beddow Hall, but the actual content of what is going on wasn't very good to hear. This evening a group of us went to a hypnotist for an event during O-Week. I didn't want to go on stage, but the hypnotist called me out due to my curly hair, so I had to go. Liam, my mate who lives three doors down from me, also went up on stage. It was strange going through the process - closing your eyes, folding your hands together and squeezing, and getting into the trance. I was a special case (of course).I would go in and out of the trance. A few people left the stage at the beginning because they weren't being affected. We were instructed to not "fight it" and I wasn't trying to, but my mind would start wandering. It was weird because you were completely conscious, you could hear the audience, and hear and feel others around you. When you were instructed to do something your body just moved without thinking or telling it to, but you were fully aware of what you were doing with your eyes closed. I think most energy was spent on keeping your eyes closed. The hypnotist would tell people to get up and do crazy things. I felt like I was back in TAI 170 with Denis Cole and she was instructing us do some sort of acting/improve activity. When "Start Me Up" by The Rolling Stones came on and we had to act like Mick Jager, I felt myself really get into it - singing the words and copying his mannerisms.
When it came time where certain people had to do dances and activities amongst the audience with their eyes open, I was back to normal - which was good because that was the most embarrassing stuff. I loved it because I had a front row seat sitting on stage and watching everything. When I watched the other students who were in the eye opening trances, I noticed that their eyes glazed over and they went into a daze starring off into space as their bodies moved about when the music started that made them to a certain act or activity. The best was how the hypnotist picked on John, who is this huge guy living in Mills Hall. Liam also got picked on a lot. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I was crying and my gut aced from laughing so much. It's hard to explain everything that went down, but they had a camera set up recording the show so people could purchase it after (perfect money maker because the ones in the show obviously had no clue what was going on). I bought one of the dvds so we can view it when I get home. Just as a disclaimer though: the camera work done for the video is some of the worst filming I have ever seen. And don't think, "Brad's a Broadcasting major so he's much more critical with that stuff." NO. There are so many s***ty scenes. Hard panes, people's heads being cut off all the time. The camera doesn't follow the hypnotist when he's with just one person, the constant zoom-ins and outs miss so much of the good stuff. It was young college aged looking student working the camera too, and I kind of want to email the guy and be like, "Look, you really need to train your cameraman because this is a little unprofessional."
Now that I'm done ranting, another first besides getting hypnotized today was that: I drove to the event! That's right, I drove Sam's car on the wrong side of the road! I was surprised on how willing everyone was to let me drive. Technically I've been driving for four years with a license that has no restrictions vs. everyone else who pretty much has restrictions. I did hit the windshield washer handle like five times instead of the direction signal. And without thinking my hand automatically went to the right to change gears from park to drive, but it's on the left. I did have to be yelled at to stay left twice, but one doesn't count because it was in a car park. When I told people that I drove I was immediately asked to be DD and drive a few mates to Universal.Of course that meant on the way back I was driving alone. It was less stressful because it was at like 12:30am so there was little traffic on the road. I did get lost, but I eventually found my way after like 10mins. Not bad I thought.
Drivers Training: I will now try to explain the steps Aussies take to get a driver's license. Don't quote me on any of this…In order to get your license here in Australia, you have to jump through many hoops and bounds. One starts drivers training at age 16, where after passing a test, you get a learners permit and have to display a "L" card on your car, and must have an adult driving with you. At age 18 you can apply and get your red Ps, where you have display a red "P" on your car, you may also have one passenger, and are free of an adult driver. After a year of red Ps you can apply for green Ps, which you have until the age of 21, and yes, you must display a green "P" card on your car. You may also have any number of passengers. You can't have any alcohol in your system during any of these stages, but after your 21 and get your full license you can have up to .05 BAC in your body before you'll get in trouble for drunk driving.
Lingo Learned:
That girl's mint! = That girl's hot!
Pot of Beer = Pint of Beer (basically a different way of measuring beer)
Boot = Trunk (of a car)
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