Day 33 (LaTrobe University) - Bendigo, Victoria Australia
I'm sick. And it sucks. One can imagine how hard it is to be sick while at college, but being sick at college in a foreign country is worse. I'll stop being overdramatic, I'm not THAT sick. Just the usual common cold: sore throat, stuffy nose, sinus pressure, runny nose. This is an issue because I'm going on my first trip in a few hours and I'll be carrying this sickness with me. I'm already bringing a handicap of going on a trip with second years and having zero experience. I just want to sleep. I'm already planning for a massive overwhelming feeling of learning how to camp, cook, and safety in the water - all in a few days. Along with being amongst people who all know each other and have established relationships. I just hope everyone understands that I KNOW NOTHING and assist me in my outdoor endeavors. I'm actually doing them all a favor, they want to teach kids about the outdoors and how to live, I can be their first pupil. I already realized that my pack is too small, I couldn't fit my bladder, sleeping mat, fly, or cooking utensils.This is when I thought, "Why did I choose outdoor education? Why am I in Australia preparing to go on a trip with no prior experience, not knowing anyone? Home is so much safer.I could be on spring break right now…"But if I was at home I would be like, "This BCA assignment is killing me.I'm super exhausted from RAing. Why can't I be in Australia right now prepping for a trip in the bush?" If I don't challenge myself or push my boundaries and get out of my comfort zone how will I learn? How can I become a better individual? Some things are just a little tougher than I had previously thought.
- comments
Christina I hope you are feeling better and that your trip went well!!! Remember, if you are too scared to live, then you are too scared! I'm so proud of you that you are out in Australia instead of tiny Mount P. You are learning so much more about the world, but more importantly, about yourself. Miss and love you!