Day 46 (LaTrobe University) - Bendigo, Victoria Australia
The internet sucks here. Plain and simple. I learned that each hall gets a whooping 25gb of bandwidth to use for the month. Split that between 20 people, and it's gone in about 5 days. So then we get phone modem speed for the rest of the month. At that speed it's impossible to get anything done. I go to the library and have to get someone from IT to log me onto the network. Then I have to wait to connect to the web because there are so many people on. Thankfully I only had to wait 15 minutes. On the walls of the library there are signs, "Wireless printing is not available. IT is working on it." and, "Windows 7 was installed on all computers, logging in could take up to 4 minutes." This place is crazy. Trying to find a seat in the library is a fun adventure too. The library is small with only has two floors, and the entire first level is a non-quiet area, so it's pretty busy. There is only one area with computers to use, and I think there's maybe 20. Frustrating! I have such a better appreciation for easy internet access at home, and the fact that I've never had trouble finding an open computer at Central. To be fair Central does have a few more resources than this smaller school…
Tonight I played tennis with some Mills Hall people - Phoebe, John, and Jack. I then went to Mills Hall to watch THE Australian classic movie, The Castle. It's supposed to be a comedy movie made in the early days - 80s or 90s. Everyone thought it was hilarious, I thought there were some funny parts in it but nothing that killed me. Of course I didn't pick up on some of the humor or get some of the slang, being an Australian movie. I was trying to come up with the American equivalent of The Castle, but can't think of any...maybe National Lampoons Vacation?
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