Day 49 Back in Bendigo, Victoria Australia
I slept so well last night. I just wanted to stay in bed forever. After breaky we went back to our site that we were at yesterday and finished weeding. Weeding didn't take long.I was surprised on how it wasn't that hot out, and being under a canopy I never broke a sweat. We finished in about 30 minutes and went back to the ocean to chill. I tried taking some artsy pictures with my point-and-shoot but I wish I had my SLR. Dave then met us and took us to this wetland in a residential area. It was weird because he said the wetland didn't exist 14 years ago, and it was booming now.Our task at the wetland was to plant 50 trees using a "T" planter thing. I was the one digging the holes and this time I definitely broke a sweat. It was challenging trying to find a spot to dig that wasn't completely under water, but had enough water to make it easy to dig. Cheryl was our guide, she was this older lady who was also a member of the Gippsland Conservation Society. She was so bad-ass. She was trenching through the muck and bush in the wetlands showing us where to plant, even grapping a planter and doing some herself. She looked so fragile and small, but boy stand back! It didn't take long before another older gentleman from the Gippsland Conservation Society arrived, and along with Steve we had three different opinions on how and where to plant the trees. It started getting chaotic with conflicting views and opinions, but we just kept working and soon we finished. After planting the trees we headed back to the ocean for lunch. Dave invited us to his farm some 40 minutes away to check out more of how the environment saving process is being implemented for the area. Driving out to the farm felt like we were teleported to Ireland or something.Large green rolling hills were everywhere. Cows and sheep roamed a few of them. Dave's backyard overlooked more hills and vastness - including over 10s of thousands of trees him and his wife planted on their 100 acres. When we stepped in the backyard where three alpacas ran up to check us out. I think Dave said he just has them to eat his grass. They were pretty cool, except they wouldn't let me pet them. We could only stay for 15 minutes because we had to get back to Melbourne.After the two hour van ride I went back to the train station to take the two hour train ride back to Bendigo. The weekend was nice. It was refreshing to be among other American students who have been going through the same thing I have been going through.
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