Coming back to Sydney was a bit drama filled. … I left Cairns, and a day before I was leaving was bit by a spider while eating dinner, and had to go to a pharmacy quickly to get it checked out. The animals are not very friendly around here at all times, but I was reassured that if I wasn't dead or feeling sick in a few minutes…no worries. (and I do feel fine;)I had one day to prepare myself for school, which meant buying books, notebooks, food for the week, possibly some clothing because I brought nothing with me from NY, and just simply reorienting myself…Lilly, the 82 year old was not very helpful in this process, it appears she had gotten used to me not being around, and when I came back, I think she felt the shock of a visitor again…on top of possibly having to find a place to live and spend more money for this program, I received a few disturbing emails from unwanted trash that I had thrown out over the past 21 days….My only question is….where do these people come from?I kept reminding myself of the 21 days I just had, kept breathing, and to my surprise remained quite calm, and with both feet planted firmly in what I believed was best for me…After a talk with Lilly that went well, and moving mail to trash with no response, I laid my clothes out for the day ahead.
530 am I was up for a run in centennial park, I had never seen Sydney during business hours, or rode the train or was dressed properly (not like a backpacker) for any of the time I had previously been here…and WOW, what a different experience! I felt like I was in NY on the other side of the world, except its clean, and the accents are better.My school is located in the heart of the Sydney business district, so between the star bucks on the corner, the park across the street to eat lunch to view the finance aussie men in suits…I literally had 3 of my very favourite things today! Felt like Chanukah early….
I will instruct 9 times throughout the 4 weeks, today was day one, tomorrow is a grammar lesson on the first conditional…which I had to prepare in advance with handouts and structure and a practice for my students.
In the morning, we learn grammar and teaching methods, in the afternoon, we teach and observe, its very hands on and throws you right in.For the first 2 weeks I will teach at an intermediate level, second 2 weeks beginner. No rhyme or reason just the way the groups were formed.
Today's lesson was about the students getting to know me, I had to do this in a controlled practice of question forms, and they asked personal information. If they asked correctly I gave answers. Surprisingly enough…students want to know EVERYTHING about you! . I had absolutely more fun today "working" then I have in years…probably northwestern was the last time I felt this productive and happy… instead of someone asking me… "do you want to be here?" cause they have looked at my face…and my face says it all when I'm unhappy… I like that every morning I'm held accountable for being somewhere, like I have a purpose, the students expect me to be there to makes me feel like if I dont prepare the night before or really work for them, i'm disappointing them in someway, and I do not want to ever do that to them.
I got asked from the students various questions… "are you married?" "why aren't you married, your so pretty?" hahaha…my answer to this one was…this is too advance for you right now….how can I give them an answer, when I don't even have one?!?! Except that trying to explain to them that "love" is an abstract noun...something that at times feels intangible. "why are you here in Australia?" I answered…to restart my life.The following question…."why?"…because I wasn't happy…and as I walked away I heard "but, she looks happy now"….and I thought to myself...I do feel happy now, and I can't wait to see what will happen next;)
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