Survival: I want to talk about this. What does it mean? I've come to realize it can mean a lot of things to diferent people at different times through life. Recently, I got a whole new perspective on survival, so I have a story for you...which I have been told is more than okay for me to tell...
Lilly survived the holocaust. But she not only survived this, she survived many other events that came along with it. Her father was taken to Aushwitz and after a year of not hearing from him, her mother assumed he was dead. She was destroyed, but also had a heart condition...and this lead to her death. A lesson from this is to remember that the "mind" is very strong...and can control us physically. Lilly, along with her brother and grandmother were sent to a ghetto to live. At age 16, Lilly had to offer up her virginity to save her brothers life. 4 months after that she was raped by 3 russian soldiers. Her brother died 2 days before liberation... Lilly "survived" along with her aunt and grandmother and moved to Australia. This is the very short version of what Lilly has gone through, and unfortunatley it didn't stop even once she was released. She "survived" 2 divorces as well.
Lilly may be one of the strongest women I now know...she has a spirit inside her that is captivating and enlightening. She doesn't let anything stop her, she is a fighter, and a true "survivor"...
Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to good people. We can not control every aspect of our lives, however, we can control how we react to them and decide how we will move forward and make things better for ourselves...
Its all about perspective.
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