Would you get really mad if I told you this is what I call enjoyable reading?!?!
I love you
I can see how over time by reading your blogs you have matured and your sense of yourself is much more confident and at ease. Maybe you have finally found a purpose, your niche.Thank you for being in touch with us. We miss you alot. Take care of yourself.
Love, Mim
Reading your blog it's something fascinating, go on, you are so strong and... not just me, not my friends but ALL italy is happy to have met someone like you..:-)
i read what michelle wrote...i'm jealous of your travels too! you have the courage to do something that so many people wanna do..and they do not.(trying to understand why right now..)
Santa croce and the sunflowers of the world are still there where you left them.
Smile, always.
A big bacio. Mirko
All of your blogs have been very interesting but this one about Fraser was something else. What an experience. It's a good thing I read all of this AFTER you did it. Can't believe you went thfough all of that. Way to go! Keep writing.. Looking forward to the next chapter of your trip'
Lee Dogoloff
I too saw Uncle Sylvan and Aunt Shirley as my models and he was my real father---You should know that there was not a time that I saw him that he did not talk with great pride and love about you. And yes, both of their love, support and personal generosity live on in my life-- Hope your travels meet your high expectations to find your own place of peace and purpose in this word!
Ilyssa...wow! reading your blog made me smile. you have always been such a strong person. i am jealous of your travels and with everything i have been through these past 11 weeks...know that reading about your life experiances helps me as well. i wish you and i could go away together. i miss our times sharing, bonding and just beening ourselves together. i love you and am proud of you and zadie would be too. can't wait to read more.