If someone had told me a year ago that I would have jumped out of a plane at 14000 feet I would have said...your nuts! but...this morning for my finale...I did jump and while the pictures will show my eyes are closed the whole time...thats pretty accurate!! hahaha! i peeked every now and then...but originally I signed up for a 9000 feet jump, which is a 30 second free fall, 14000 feet is a 60 second free fall i figured jumping who cares about the feet....but once we got up in the plane I totally freaked out, I should not have been sitting by the door to the plane, cause when I saw the first boy roll out of the plane....i started hyperventilating. when it came to my turn, I couldn't do it! The kiwi I was attached to, was awesome, and she was really good about the plane get getting higher and higher for the highest jumpers, she said we either go out at 14000 feet or we go down with the plane..."and mate, are you gonna kick yourself, cause if you are...your up here jump."...I couldn't really process what she was saying, and i have no idea what got me moving to the door of the plane, it wasn't that I had spent money cause I didnt care, but I had booked this for a specific reason, not because I feel my life is such crap and i wanna die hahaha, but because I believe know people do this all day long, your gonna be fine, but it is your mind that tells you...your gonna die, your gonna get hurt, something bad is gonna has been my ultimate goal to take power over my mind in the past 21 days to give myself the courage to pursue anything I want in life, no matter how crazy someone might think it is, it has been my ultimate goal to flush out the trash of my past and totally restart, with friends, men, living, career, everything. The past 21 days I have erased 175 people from facebook, I have flushed out old lingering relationships that were no good for me and never would be, I have shot guns, herded goat, saved myself on an island with dingoes, been on my own, and survived. Jumping out of a plane was my last attempt to control my mind and build my courage to prove to myself I can do what i think is impossible, and i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best part about my morning was meeting my new "mates" that I met in cairnes, and having someone to spend the day with and share my experience. I have seriously met the most wonderful, amazing, understanding, culturally diverse people here. People who are very supportive, always ready to listen, and the true 50/50 relationship, even after meeting for 10 minutes, its truly unbelievable the realtionships you can form.
Yesterday I went on a trek through the rainforest, and started my morning sliding down a natural rock slide into freezing water, which I would have never done if it weren't for the 2 girls I met. After a day of seeing a platypus, dragons, tree climbing kangaroos, backside breathing turtles, and swimming in a lake with fish all around you 1000 meteres above sea level,...I got to see the cairnes I wanted to see.
I am looking forward to Sydney tomorrow, and rocking out this program. I have my travel plans for the next few months under way, and I will get to see my new friends when they come through sydney and catch some in new zealand...
I hope you have enjoyed my 21 days up the coast of australia!!!!! Stay tuned for Melbourne, Bali, and New Zealand...
Catch ya in a month!
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