The Sunday at MACNA is always a bit odd. There's the last frantic rush to see a few talks, get last minute bargains on the floor and make last minute connections.
Our usual morning catch up on what's on line included finding Petes article in the magazine was published which was awesome.
We took the day very slow starting off at breakfast with the Abyzz boys and James Fatheree; a bit of an odd combo but interesting.
We took a few more turns round the floor and found a possible new line we will follow up on.
Pete finally did a short interview for the reefs podcast.
I mostly spent the day in the room doing some catching up on a few things like working out some orders for the store. Pete did some socialising and watched one talk, Dana Riddle. At one stage while I was on the floor I spotted a LRS fertility frenzy shirt being worn. I asked the guy if I could take a pic for Larry which he was happy for me to do. I posted it tagging Larry and it created quite a flurry of interest and I ended up chatting to him for some time.
Once all the raffles were done; many left to catch flights & the locals went home it became a bit of a ghost town.
Thats sort of it, the show is over and there's just a few still working, breaking down their booths and others like us just hanging out for the calm after the storm. We did a preliminary pack, stashing our loot in the, not needed til we go home bag. About 6pm we got a message from Jeff. He was heading home finally but wanted to say goodbye. He was knackered so we went and met him outside the hall for a farewell. He did such a great job with what he had and we hope it's recognised as such when others reflect on this weekend.
We sent out a few messages to see if anyone was around looking for dinner but most were gone or on their way to the airport. Walking to Charlie's the place was like a ghost town. Once there we found a few remnants of MACNA but none we wanted to join so we had a very nice dinner, it was almost odd to eat alone after nearly a week of having someone join us for most meals.
We headed up to the MASNA suit for one last long goodbye after dinner, not many there; Kevin, Marc, Dave from Fiji, Adeljean, one of the scholarship winners and eventually Tal. It was very relaxed and fun. Not sure how it happened but suddenly it was 1.30am, again!
Everyone else had to fly out to somewhere the next day so we left with a stack of left over booze, beer, wine and several part bottles of spirits.
It's over for another year but next year is going to be epic.
Tomorrow the adventure begins.
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