We set off west after breakfast into Tennessee through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
This morning we were feeling the effects of the edges of Matthew. It rained almost constantly and when not raining was still gloomy. For all that many of the trees were wearing their autumn colours. We took some back roads past small houses some of which had seen better days. Most had people sitting on the front porch watching the world go by. Jesus and Trump seem very popular pretty much to an equal degree.
Out of the woods and we found ourselves in a traffic jam in a crazy tourist town complete with Dollywood. It was a bit of a jolt to come from the peace of the woods into such garish commercialism. It was a bit like Vegas but with way less casinos and lots more Jesus lol
It finally stopped raining and was a nice warm blue sky day for the second half.
Through Knoxville we again hit heavy, peak hour traffic which was a pain. The GPS kept altering our arrival time to 8pm then 6.45 and back up to 7.15, she couldn't make up her mind!
I tried from this morning to find a hotel for tonight. All the places I tried were booked out, not sure why but some may be due to people from Florida heading out of dodge before Matthew hit and it is Friday so some could be getting a start on the weekend. We ended up stopping a bit more off the beaten track than we had originally planned in Cleveland Tn due to the main centres being booked out.
We checked in and walked to a Denny's for dinner, we got 20% off after showing our room key so even with a generous tip it was only $20 for us both.
Usual evening on the road, did some work, laundry, watched a couple of recorded shows and put a red Thai curry on for tomorrow in the slow cooker.
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