Alright guys, from when I left off… it was Friday and I finished work after 12 long hard days on with those bleeding cows, I had lost my voice completely again. I finished work got showered and ready for Friday night which is a very exciting day on the social calendar. I had bought myself a lovely pizza to eat and it turns out so had everyone so I had to wait for bloody ages to get my pizza in as we don't actually have a oven at the hostel it's a microwave convention oven so one thing at a time so annoying. Adam bless him did let me have a slice of his as he was further up the pizza queue than me. I tried to hold off from drinking before I ate but I ended up having 2 Hoegardens oh dear so I was a bit tipsy before pizza o clock then I had a beer then we went to the pub, me, Teg and Vincent were off for the first time in days and days and its hard being a dairy farmer. Blah blah blah, anyway that's our excuse for getting so drunk! At the pub me and Teg decided to spend our wages on bottles of wine to share as its better value so we did that and I'm not too sure how many we had but I think it was a few as I cant really remember leaving the pub that night oops. We left and ended up back at the hostel obviously as theres no where else to go and that's where we live so we all ended up back there, I fell asleep at various points in the hostel. On the picnic bench outside, against a skydive post etc you get the jist. Teg fell asleep standing up and sleep walking and he had a wee in the tv room when he was asleep haha. Oops! He fell asleep on the bench outside too and fell off it completely in his sleep and didn't wake up off the impact. I eventually made it to bed after I almost vomited (obviously I don't do sick so kept it in like a trooper). It was a good night by the sounds of it but I appeared to have missed it to be honest. Anyways like I said its hard working 12 days on with them cows you get driven to drinking!
In the morning I woke up feeling oh so fresh. Not. I felt terrible probably the worst hangover I have ever had. I felt violently ill all day. Everyone kept asking if I was ok as I looked like s***. Bad times. It was an exciting day though as Posh Matts Aussie girlfriend Tamara was visiting for the weekend so we decided we must be tourists for the day so me, Vincent and them two went on day out to see Lake Cave while poor Teg went to Perth to buy himself a car after zero luck in Mags. So we all went to Lake Cave, Vincent drove my car as I was simply to ill to drive and I bought it off him so we were still technically sharing it at this point. Tamara is so lovely it was so nice having a girl here again as I am basically the only girl in Margaret River. There is literally me, a beautiful Asian girl called Mimi and Charlies Girlfriend who never speaks. So me and Mimi are well protected in our hostel! But for an Australia his girlfriend was so nice we always worry about Australians as they just aren't the same and don't get our humour but she was spot on and was hilarious and she really says things like 'far out' haha I loved that girl. She fed me and Vincent strawberry sweeties all the way to the cave so we were happy. The cave is so nice its totally beautiful inside, it was over 300 steps down in to there which felt like nothing on the way down but the way up I was wrecked and struggling to breathe! Made me think of climbing the tiger temple in Krabi which was over 1000 steps up and in the heat I have no idea how I did that!! The Cave wasn't massive but it was just so stunning inside, the man showing us round was funny too, he had some good old jokes. He turned all the lights off in the cave too so we could appreciate the cave for what it was in the pitch black and some mad Asian man just kept taking photos so his massive flash kept going off and blinding us all and ruining our moment. There is also a free standing table in the cave which is only 1 of 2 in the whole world and it's the only one you can actually see as the other one is in a private cave in France! Mental. So that was pretty exciting. Vincent always suggests that we all have gangbangs but with his amazing French to English he actually calls them gong bongs. So when the free standing table was mentioned and how strong it was so Vince was like 'lets have a massive massive massive gong bong on the table' we love the French!
On the way into the cave we had to wait for half an hour before we could go in and there was a little info centre thing where you could climb in a wall and come out the other end so we made matt and Vincent get in so they looked like a giant man. Vincents head was sticking out and Matts legs it looked hilarious. So me and Tamara took so lovely arty shots. I would like to point out I felt violently ill all day due to hangoverness. Bad crack!! When we were done in the cave we went to Redgate Beach to show Tamara as it's a lush beach with nice views all round so we went there for a bit it was quite cold though, we spotted some crabs and then off we went back to Witchcliffe for a trip to the bottleo as the only thing to fix a hangover is another drink! So we went for that. Before we went inside it we went in the secondhand shop next door which was like aladins cave! It was brilliant full of amazing little vintage things from road traffic signs to shoes from the 60s and a huge selection of records. It was one of lifes amazing shops I think I was happy as larry in there we were all amazed by what they had! They had a Bells Whisky Bell that my Gran used to have years ago! Madness! I bought myself a copy of 3 great Bronte Novels. It had Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey for only $3 so when I went in the Bottleo carrying my new purchase the man who works there advised me to steer clear of the Gin if I was going to drink and read haha. We then chatted about the Brontes for ages before I left with my wine. A properly lovely Australian chap! The staff in my usual bottleo aren't the best. He had some good selection of cheap drinks offers too.
That night some welsh people who were living at the hostel but had now moved to holiday apartment near Gnarabup beach were having a BBQ party so we were going to go there. They were picking most of us up at 6pm but Adam, Common Matt and Teg weren't back from Perth yet and me and Vincent needed a nap so we decided we would go later on with Francesco when the guys got back so we could sleep first so everyone else went to the party and then they guys came back and we decided we would have a bbq at the hostel instead then go to the party. Then we decided actually we would have our own party! Rock n roll! Adam brought my a cheeseburger back from McDonalds!! What an amazing lad!! So I had that in bed the minute he brought it to me! Then we went to coles to get BBQ stuff. We got so much stuff. Then halfway round me and adam decided we wanted cocktails which then turned into us wanting to recreate a Thailand bucket so we got a cleaning bucket and vodka, captain morgans, apple juice,2 can of red bull and some lemon pub squash (fizzy lemon) and an amazing invention was born. It was amazing!! We also made our own burgers for the BBQ which was a huge success and we ended up with way to much food we couldn't eat obviously but nevermind it was amazing. Obviously though me and Adam aren't the best BBQ makers being from England where the sun don't shine and you have one bbq a year so we started eating raw burgers but we managed to get hostel ben a true aussie to take over on cooking duties so it was a success in the end! Our Thai bucket was literally amazing we were so impressed with ourselves although it was obviously me who made it!! James and Connor came on over to the hostel to get in on our party action and they also loved the bucket obviously. Its complete tradition to hit the Settlers on a Saturday night too as we don't have anywhere else to drink of course. But me and Adam decided we most certainly could not go to the pub under any circumstance until we had drank the bucket to the end as if we left some we would never have finished it and it was a $70 drink so we finished it at 12.15 so we didn't quite make the pub that night! We did all ended up having toasties made by the lovely Dom at one point which was a massive highlight for me haha! So much random times in this hostel its probably the best hostel in the world I will be sad when I eventually leave Margaret River for good. Although I will definitely come back here on a proper summer holiday in my 2nd year in Oz to enjoy some good sunshine and beach time. Loads the others who went to the rival BBQ at the Welsh house came back around 10pm that night a bit smashed I think they were a bit gutted they didn't know about our impromptu party as they probably wouldn't have gone to the other one! But never mind they seemed to be in high spirits. Alex Bennet who never gets drunk ever was absolutely smashed, he was trying to pour the bucket in to our mouths but we like 'Alex put it down there is $70 in there!!' good times indeed! Anyways that night there was some Irish Guys here for the weekend but they were being really noise and proper a*******s so I told them to shut up as we live here and don't wanna be kicked out due to them being k*** then I went to bed but apparently they didn't listen to me and they were kicked out themselves in the middle of the night. Success!!
The next day me and Chris were moving into our cabin in the woods neither of us by this point really wanted to go as we were living the hostel high life again so after a lot of fannying on we finally moved out we got to the campsite and Adrian said we could do dorms or cabins but cabins hadn't been touched since they arrived so we picked cabins and got to work. They were a decent size nice kitchen with a real oven and bathroom (not plumbed in though so I never got to use these) big living room area and dining area and 2 big bedrooms. So it was pretty sweet to be honest and we had 2 tellys and a dvd player. Although the big tv I couldn't pick up so it never left the floor as it was huge! It wouldn't work though to be honest, the other telly didn't have tv on it you could only watch dvds so I got us a Michael Palin around the world dvd from the Op Shop to help us get more travel bug in us if that is possible. I definitely want to hit the Philippines at some point now though! The cabins were pretty sweet as we had our own bedroom which Ive not had since I left Melbourne in May! So a total luxury but to be honest it was freezing and Adrian didn't give us wood as apparently we didn't have fires if it was above 10 degrees but he definitely did as I saw the tell tale smoke from his house! He also didn't have a tumble dryer but I found one in the cleaning shed in use. Which isn't a big deal I suppose to some but it pissed me off as if we washed clothes we had to let them hang out to dry but its pissing it down the whole time here at the moment and its so damp when its not raining that your clothes will never dry so I never did any washing there which is a huge inconvenience and also a cost that I shouldn't have had to incur so I think that was rude of him. But I was coming in on my break and doing hours in the cabin and I was shattered and then Miles told me I would be doing longer hours as we need to clean up the farm big style and Vince leaves soon which will slow us all down again so even more hours for me to be fair so on the Thursday which would be my 5th night there I decided I was going to have to leave as I just couldn't really do the hours and to be honest when I'm not at work the last thing I want to do is more graft and I just didn't think it was worth it by the end the cabins were full of ants and the toilets were miles away and there is a lot of kangaroos around there who can attack you so I was scared everytime I went to brush my teeth and went for a wee in the dark as we weren't provided with torches and my phone one is s***. Obviously the night before I moved out I remembered I had a torch I took to Thailand and found that but nevermind it was a bit too late. So when I told Adrian I would move out the next day he was sad but glad I was honest about not being able to do the work and staying anyway, but he was like well you know whatever you pay at the backpackers you can pay me and Claire so you can still stay, erm no. its definitely not worth paying that to live there without proper facilities! But I said before I leave I will pop by to see how they're getting on as they are canny and it was a good opportunity while it lasted as it was amazing to live in the Australian bush properly for a while. So Chris is still there alone bless him. They are going to start paying $17 a hour which would have been nice but not enough hours in the day for me and with my 12 days on and working whenever Im needed its not the easiest to fit in so yeah I am happy to be back in the hostel with my hostel family.
On my last night in the cabin it was a Friday and I was at work at 5am on the Saturday so I didn't make any attempt to go to the pub to see anyone so I had a lovely night in by myself which was a rare experience! Chris went out straight from work and didn't come home at all that night, Adrian had actually left firewood for the first time so I lit a fire in our wood burner. I was so proud it lasted around 30 mins after the 1st hour it took to heat up and light. But Adrian didn't give me enough kindling so the wood didn't take properly so it went out and I was back to being cold but it did last 30 mins I think so I was quite proud I did it!! Ray Mears has nothing on me!
Back at the hostel after I had an amazing morning at work on the Saturday and finished at 8.30 as the horrible wash pump was broke so no cleaning the s*** yard for me!! Happy days indeed!! I moved straight back into my room with Vince, Sam and Posh Matt but I have since moved to Alex B, Francesco and Patriks room as I have a bottom bunk there so I have made a lovely little cave. So I am very cosy in there. I think I am the only girl to have ever been in their dorm the whole time I have been in Margaret River so I am lucky apparently! I think they are the lucky ones though, especially Francesco he is an Italian from Bergamo where I have actually been and we have dinner dates every week now we take turns in cooking he is a diamond! He reminds me of grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka as he always has his blanket with him when hes watching tv haha. I don't think he knows who or what I mean when I tell him though.
So when I moved back in I unpacked my s*** and saw Adam and we decided as I was off work now for the rest of the weekend we should do a road trip for a McDonalds!! Whoop yeah! He went off to the gym first and I decided I would have a nap as I needed to catch up on sleep so when I go up we went to Busselton!! Adam drove my car as he hadn't drove in months apparently (he actually drove Tegs new car back from Perth last weekend as he was driving the hire car) so off we went its about a hour away so we were so excited the whole way there, on the way we decided on the way back we would go to Dunsborough so I could show him how lovely it was there too. So we got to Maccas and I got a double cheese burger, fries and a mcflurry that was biscuit and caramel it was amazing. Adam got some big meal deal where you got a free coca cola glass which on our way out and we were putting our rubbish in the bin after watching all the crazy sporting Australians who had came from a netball/football/afl/tennis match/game and came straight to McDs and most of them had no shoes or socks on?! Random kids!! Adam dropped the glass and it smashed everywhere into like a billion pieces which was funny haha. And it was cleaned up a second later but a woman who worked there but wasn't wearing uniform I swear it was her day off and he didn't even have time to say sorry before he was handed a replacement glass haha so we done a runner!! That glass is now mine as he cant be trusted with dangerous objects clearly! We were going to hit Vinnies on the way back (best op shop in the land) but it was shut! Dammit! So we headed to Dunsborough and they have a real bar there so now me and Adam wanna go there for a weekend for definite in the sunshine days as the hostel is right on the beach there its lovely! The beach is so good there the water looks so clear and its so shallow and there is a little sand island not far out that we def wanna get on!! We drove home the scenic way so it was a lovely little day trip out when we got back to the hostel I presented Dom with his Double cheeseburger he requested and he looked like he might cry with happiness! Seriously I know its just McDonalds but when you don't have access to them its something you really miss. Especially when you think how much goon we all drink here. Burgers are needed all the time!
So after we got back we started thinking we should get on it soon so we decided a trip to the Knights Inn was in order! Its where the guys all go on a Friday for drinks 5-6 as its happy hour $12 a jug but obviously I work then so I can never go, but you can get real life Stella on tap there. Wow. So Adam treated me to a pint of that as I'd got our petrol to Busselton. It was probably the nicest pint I've had since January when I arrived here, it was so damn good. There had been a footy match on at the football place next to the pub so there was tons of hot men in football tops milling round too so I was happy. We also spotted Santa Clause there too which is always happy moment. After our amazing pints we went to the bottleo next door to check it out, they do 3 crates of stowford press cider (best cider ever) for $100 so I want them but 3 crates is quite extreme! So I probably wont get them. Welsh Ben usually gives me a can of it every now and again as he gets them. Mmm. We then went to the IGA bottleo so Adam could get cheap Carlsberg crate and I wanted to check out their offers but of course I went back to my standard bottleo and didn't even get anything as I remembered I had passion pop and goon! So we started on the drinking and Mimi, Pat, Ben and some new guys joined us eventually Mimi got her Jager out woo hoo so we had some Jagerbombs minus the cups so we had a swig of jager followed by a swig of red bull. The backpacker way!! I got Mini sharing my Passion Pop she bloody loved it. She is the sweetest girl probably ever bless her. So lovely! We of course ended up at the Settlers where we met up with Cody, James, Chris, Connor and Posh Matt so it was a good old night out apart from Italian Richard was not there again! And he is the best eye candy in Margaret River! Me and Adam then started celebrating as his sister had text him saying he was going to be a uncle so we hit the vodka! I love having a job so I can buy drinks in the pub now!! Happy days we all danced and hugged a lot and drank even more. Then at the end of the night we saw Santa again and he proper tried to chat me up! Shame on him indeed!! What a perverted old man. Haha. So I think I might do well this Christmas!!
Before I go some funny work things that have happened… The farmer told us all to stop shouting at the cows in the Dairy as we are making them too jumpy, and now they have got really skinny and its because we scream at them to get on and off the machine for milking… which is what we were always told. Don't let them on more than once as its not fair and they get all the food. He now states its fine if they go round a few times as they are at least getting fed… oh right. But to be fair me, Sam and Vince did used to go MENTAL in there at them but its just because they are so stupid and don't do what they're meant to, so now I ignore them and occasionally hit them with sticks to make them move instead.
We also had pregnancy test day at work where the whole first herd were tested, the vet Rupert who was lovely introduced himself by saying 'I hope these cows have wet poos' oh dear, his glove went up to his shoulder his poor arm was well in there. He was dressed like a ghostbuster too which I found highly entertaining!!
And we have a new quad bike so the boss is on it all the time to go from the front of the farm to the calves when its quicker to walk, and last night a motorbike arrived and he was on that for at least an hour just playing on it haha boys and their toys. I was in at 5am on Monday which means I get the cows in, in the dark but when I came in Gary was off with it getting them instead as he wanted to play on it haha so I could have had an extra 30 mins in bed but nevermind! It's funny!! Even though we have the new quad I still have to keep using the old one and breaking down every 5 mins as the boys are on the new one for no reason basically!! And also one last gross thing, one of the cows wasn't well it turns out she had a twisted stomach so Rupert tried to fix it but it ended up being a dead cow lying next to her huge stomach, now I'm not sure if you can imagine a cow stomach but let me tell you its purple and flipping mank eye massive!! Bloody huge!! I heard a good few gun shots killing that poor cow so it must have been bad! I also saw another cow be shot the other day as she didn't survive from milk fever bless her. It wasn't too nice as she proper twitched for ages afterwards but she was dead instantly it was just muscle spasms. So much fun and education on the farm I am a lucky bunny!!
So yeah that's it for now, this week me, teg and adam went for curry club, last night I made Franescos tea and we had a lovely date and tonight me and Adam are going to James and Connors for tea and its faijita night! Whoop! So speak soon lovelies xxxxxxxxxx
- comments
kenneth morren is this chapter 13 or just the drunken ramblings of an insane Geordie girl.haha .luv ma n pa. xxxxxxx