So, funny story. Me and Adam went to James and Connors for our tea and as I mentioned last time it was fajita night so I was buzzing as I bloody love them and not had them since I was living the life of an international rock star in Melbourne. Chris came too as he is now living in our cabin with a couple who don't sound too sociable! So we got there and it was really exciting as we were all looking forward to fajitas. So James was like 'ok we are starving start whenever you want' but I thought he was joking, so me n Adam just sat there for ages with them watching TV then eventually he said it again so I was like 'bloody hell lazy, ok I will make them where is the stuff?' and that's where it all went wrong. We both thought each other was getting the food… so we had no food for fajitas. Infact James and Connor spend basically all their wages on drink so had no food at all in the house so we ended up having the traditional backpacker meal of pasta and tomato sauce. Good times. We both blamed each other for this epic fail, but I still think it was his fault! I text him saying I would bring wine and dessert and what else did he want me to bring, he said nothing but yourself Morren. Which led me to believe that he was getting the fajita stuff. He said he didn't get it because last week me and Chris (not me and adam) had said we would come again and we would cook next time, either way though we both got our wires crossed terribly haha. Bad times indeed. It was a canny night though I went to the bottleo and got us more wine to help with the torture of no fajitas. Coles and Woolworths were of course shut as it was after 8 by the time we realised no one had any food. So that was the weirdest night I've ever been for tea at someones haha.
It was also French Vincent's last day at work on the farm which was so sad! I'm well gonna miss that guy, I think everyone is actually he was absolutely a lovely man - for a Frenchie! He well looked after me at work when I started too bless him he's a good egg. So of course as we were doing our clean down at the end of the shift as usual me and Sam decided it was time we hosed Vinnie down!! The hoses we use at work are massive fireman hoses too they are so strong so we well got him and then he got us and we all ended up having a massive water fight over the dairy. It was hilarious I was pissing myself laughing it was so funny as we were all drenched. Vince got me on the back of the neck so I was drenched all down my back it was so funny. Vince ended up wearing just his pants as his tops were so wet - baring in mind its freezing on a night here now so it was COLD. It was well worth it though, then just as he thought it was over I was cleaning the huge yard (which I call the poo shed) just before I finished and there was bulls in there still that needed letting out and Vince had to do it so I started spraying him again haha. So he tried to walk round the outside to get there but I got him there too haha! Literally the most fun I have ever had at work in my life!! Afterwards we had all finished and cleaned up and it was time to celebrate or commiserate his departure and Miles and his wife had got in some beers, Bundy and Cokes and some snacks for us to have a lovely after work drink which was nice but also f***ing freezing as we were all drenched and it was cold anyways and we had to sit in the dairy which is inside outside, a roof but no walls and stinks of poo obviously! But was lovely anyways nice to have a drink to say bye to him, I think Miles, Colin and Gary will miss him!!
On Friday night after work it appeared as Miles didn't want me work hours until Friday morning I didn't get paid on time which meant I wouldn't be getting paid now until Monday due to the stupid banks so that was annoying! But nevermind lucky for me I have some savings. After I was washed and showered it was time for cards and goon so we all got a bit merry, Adam and Teg had got some vodka and Adam ended up losing 'on the bus' so ended up drinking a lot of vodka and was absolutely w***ered which was highly entertaining for us all. There was also a new American girl at the hostel for the night who was lovely, I think she was call Birch maybe? She was 18 and was spending her summer break from school in Oz she had just finished WOOFING in some farm for some crazy reason as she was holidaying not getting her visa work done as she isn't even on a work holiday visa. Americans are nuts! She was planning on hitchhiking in the morning to get to Albany as the bus wasn't until the Monday and she wanted to go asap. Crazy girl. We all went to the pub which was standard for a Friday of course! We were all amazed Adam got in he was so smashed! Jim, Connor, Matt Cody etcwere there too so it was lovely so see everyone again, Jim was so drunk he kept ripping his shirt open all night long, I have no idea how they didn't get kicked out! Jim actually went up to hostel Ben who had came out with us for the night and introduced himself as he thought Ben was new at the hostel despite the fact Ben was the manager the whole time Jim was there! Safe to say Jim was extremely drunk as well!! It was a good night we even got Welsh Ben out to the pub so it was canny!
The next day me and Adam went on a road trip again, this time to Bunbury so we could go shopping! We were so excited! We also were going for McDonalds obviously!! I was really excited as there is a cotton on in Bunbury which is basically my favourite shop in Oz! they do it all, comfy lounge clothes and going out stuff. I was desperate to buy a new dress as I don't have any here to wear when I go to the pub. I end up going to the pub proper tramped up sometimes but its ok I think I pull it off to be honest. And the boys can hardly complain as they are lucky they even have a trampy girl!! So we had a lovely little drive there its about 80 mins away and I got lost a lot obviously which makes no sense as everywhere is straight roads here, but you know me! No sense of direction! We got there got a parking spot eventually and looked for fast food instantly and could we heck find any! We had to ask a fat shop assistant in the end as we figured he definitely knew where they were and it turned out we needed to get back in Marina to hunt them out.
So we got in the car and went straight to McD's whoop! So exciting! I didn't get a McFlurry this time as I knew there was a Boost juice bar in the shopping centre thing which I was dying for as they are amazing. So I got myself a lovely black dress with crosses on and also a pink skull scarf. Adam left with nothing he was devastated! We then went walking round the 'high street' and we discovered a shop that sold loads of English goods!! Oh my god we were just running round like 'oh my god they have Dr Pepper' 'They've got weetabix' 'They've got walkers crisps' for about an hour! We then realised all the products were well and truly out of date by months and months not like by a few days! Bad times. They even had dumpling mix the exact one I used to buy at home from the butchers! I was buzzing but then I realised it went off in June 12 and I wasn't sure it would be that good that out of date so I'm just awaiting my food parcel instead from my amazing ma and pa! So after we'd looked at everything and reminisced about how good the food is back home and how it isn't the same here we headed back out on to the high street. We then came across the newsagent who was giving away free lush chocolate cake. This s*** never happens in the UK! Happy days us backpackers love free things especially cake!! So after our exciting day trip out we decided it was time to head back home so we could start drinking as it was Saturday! Before left though we decided to fit in a trip to Bunbury Beach which would have been nice but by this point it was raining so we didn't get out of Marina at all we just watched the sea through the rain - basically just like being back in the north east.
When we got back me, Pat and Alex Bennet decided to go thirds on 3 crates of Stowford Press Cider as it was $100 for 3 on special offer so we got them. Amazing! But then I soon realised after drinking 2 that it went off in July 12?! What is it with out of date products in the part of the world? Nevermind I figure cider has so much sugar in it that it cant possibly go off and its classed as one of my 5 a day too so its worth it for the health benefits. Me and Adam then decided as it was the best Saturday we had both ever experienced in MargaretRiver we would get a bottle of Smirdoff Vodka to top it off so we did that and it was also the first day of the football season so we had pizza, beers, ciders then hit the vodka whilst watching the footy. Now I have no idea how I've been roped in to watch bloody footy at all as I hate it but as I'm the only girl as Mimi was no where to be seen ( she was at a party it turned out) I got stuck watching it with the boys but it wasn't too bad as it was Vincents last night too so he was pretty drunk and entertaining us all. He even put on some teeny tiny girls pink hot pants on that have been in his dorm since Sam and Janine left! It was pretty impressive bless him! After the footy we all headed to the pub for a change and the usual crew were there waiting for us Jim, Connor, Cody and Matt and the Italians came too it was nice! Earlier that day Hostel Ben told me that them guys weren't allowed back to the hostel after the pub as they don't live here anymore and no guests after 8 although theyre allowed to come later than that as Ben likes them but obviously they were so drunk they all came back to the hostel to be illegal but to be fair they made no noise and Ben never mentioned it so I assume he wasn't arsed as he has CCTV that he always watches so Im pretty sure he's aware it happened. Seriously living in boarding school is hard work sometimes haha.
Sunday and I had my first lie in ever since I started work 6 weeks ago it was amazing!! It was a lush hot beautiful day so me and Adam went to the beach and we took a picnic of subway and subway cookies with us! Happy days! We were there for hours we had a few ciders and watched the sunset but it wasn't the best one ever and then the minute we left the sky turned this amazing pink colour it was beautiful! So typical we left just to miss that! Adam then decided to treat me to steak and chips for tea as I always make his food so he finally cooked for me although he did try to serve me raw steak! But luckily for me French Arthur told him how to do it so I ended up with a lovely steak in the end.
On Wednesday me and Adam went to James and Connors for tea again but this time I took everything to make pasta bolognaise and garlic bread so it was a successful tea! We decided we will take turns providing the food each week so this week its their turn to feed us! It was a canny night though I miss James after living with him since end of April its strange being parted from him now! We are the 2 oldest people and the 2 most irresponsible and daft out of everyone I think we both have the mental age of 15 year olds. We have fun though people take things to serious I think.
The next day my Korean roommate Kim made me,adam and himself an amazing Korean tea! It was bloody lush, it was like sweet and spicy beef with rice but it was literally the best food I ever ate it was like real restaurant food, he used like Worcester sauce, honey, soy and some secret ingredient that I will have to find out what It is, I'm going to get him to teach me how to cook Korean stuff. Every meal he makes looks absolutely lush! And he made sticky rice mmm! I love my food me!
This weekend I have been at work all week which is a shame so I've not been to the pub once! SHOCK! And no Indian, this week must have saved me a fortune! There was just me and Teg and Farmer Miles in at work, Miles is good as he isn't ever really there much so it was mainly just me and Teg. Both mornings in at 5 and when I went to get the cows they weren't where they should be! Stupid cows keep breaking in to the paddocks next door for no reason! Stupid! On Saturday after I located the cows and got them out the rotary machine kept freezing so we kept having to defrost it - hot water pipe on the main machine part! So clever! And then as the cows were there so long not moving the milk kept overflowing so it was a huge disaster morning. I finished at 11 which is very late! I went back at 1.30 and 1.25 the farmer called to say don't come in until 2.15! so I went back to the hostel with Teg and we chilled there in the sun before heading back. And on Sunday morning I went to get the cows and there was none at all there but there seemed to be in the paddock up from it so I went along the electric fence to see where they'd gone in and I couldn't figure it out but as I was pondering and driving along I accidently drove the quad into a massive bog thing so I got stuck so I had to call Teg to come get me out with the tractor haha. Doh! The cows were spread over 2 other paddocks instead of the right on and Miles son had left loadsa gates open so its actually a miracle they weren't all over the shop to be honest, it's a good job cows are so lazy!
Some work stuff here, I went to get the cows at 5am one day last week and it was amazing, pitch black I saw 2 shooting stars! The stars here are incredible with us being in proper countryside! No city lights anywhere near us at all. I could never explain how amazing the stars are until you saw them yourself as I don't think you would believe how many I see! Its absolutely beautiful. The moon was also massive orange this one morning it was like the sun it lit up the sky it was just wow! My cruising about on the quad and seeing that kind of stuff makes me love my job. This morning when I was getting the cows it was about 6.15am so sun was coming up which is lush and then I saw 2 huge Kangaroos like massive ones one just stood and watched me for ages before hopping off into the bush, I get so excited when I see the roos! Makes you remember you're in Australia its lush! I've also been treating cows with penicillin now too when they have bad legs or other infections! Its quite hardcore and you have to stab them with a huge needle before you put the drugs in but its wicked I'm loving being a cow vet. I never thought I would ever work with animals and now I'm bloody treating them too its pretty nice to know I can do it. Cows can be quite scary when you first start working with them as they kick and they are pretty huge but they are sweet little creatures I do love what I'm doing. It's a perfect way for me to do my regional work I think. I definitely think I'm lucky!! One day one of the cows jumped getting in the rotary and its front legs fell through the machine so it was hanging out, then it jumped up and got its legs stuck in the grain bit where they feed from them jumped again and got its leg stuck on the right bar in the machine. It was traumatising I was convinced it was gonna fall to its death but it managed to get out eventually but seems very upset funnily enough and wouldn't go back on the rotary poor thing. I though I was gonna have to pick its foot up to push it back in the right place but lucky I didn't as I would have been sure to have been violently kicked!
This week Ive booked my flight out of Australia to Thailand which is scary knowing I'm gonna leave here as I really love Australia. The people are lovely ( a bit weird but friendly for sure) no ones stressed out and no one is never in a rush. But to go back to Asia will be lush and Sarah Minto is coming to see me and Ashley Pow too so its gonna be good. Me and Ashley are gonna go to Cambodia after Sarah leaves Thailand and then when Ashley leaves I'm thinking I'm going to volunteer in a orphanage or somewhere like that with the kids so I'm gonna look into that but I think I'm just gonna arrange this stuff when I'm there as planning never works out as a traveller and I like it when I don't know for sure where I'm going next! Then after that I'm going to go to Bali and I think Jennifer who I met in Thailand last year from America is going to try come out to meet me for a few weeks of travelling so that's cool! I cant bloody wait to get back to Thailand and to Koh Tao!! I cant wait to take Sarah Elephant trekking she is gonna love it! Exciting times!!
And it was Mrs Beavis's wedding day last week and I was so gutted as I missed it but she looked gorgeous in the pics I've seen and she looks so happy so it seems to have been an amazing day. I wish I could have been there! I've never wanted to be back in England so much since I left. But then if I hadn't left I would have had all these amazing adventures as one of my amazing friends reminded me ( thanks Lauriepops - I can always count on you to be normal!!)
Anyways guys that's enough of my crazy ramblings and I need to eat before I go back to work! Much love xxxxxxxxxxx
- comments
lauren lloyd I love being so wise!! I also get very excited when i get a blog mention - is that really sad??? Xx