I'm so sorry it's been almost 3 months since my last blog! I just can't believe how fast time is flying by here. I only have 10 weeks left of this course and then it's all over. Anyways let me try to update you briefly on what has happened in the last 2 months.
Not much happened in FEBRUARY. We had a day called OD-Dag which is a day where former students bring their own teams to perform. It's a very long and busy day but it was really good to see some great gymnastics. I was part of the media group taking team photos and videoing and also taking my own photos. The media group had a little photo competition where we had to submit 10 of our favourite photos from the day and then the teachers chose the finalists and then the students vote for their favourite. I won 2 out of the 3 categories and another photo came 3rd! awesome stuff. You can view these photos in the album called OD-Dag.
Oh we had a party at the school during the guest weekend and the party was themed "S". So dress up with anything beginning with the letter S. All the internationals dressed up as Spartans (inspired by the movie 300) and we rocked the party. If there was a best dressed we would have won it.
MARCH: we had a week called Højskole på Kanten where you were involved in one activity for the week. Activities included Skiing Leadership (in Norway), Building Outdoor Shelters, Musical, 4 Elements (movement representing air, water, fire and earth). I think that's it, I chose to be a dancer in the Musical which was called X&Y. All songs were from Coldplay hence the title! We only had 1 week to organise, prepare and rehearse and then it was the premiere/finale (we only had 1 show). It went pretty well I think. We also had one night out in town called Sensation White where we had to wear only white and I even sprayed my hair white! I sure looked like an old woman the next morning with my grey hair and glasses.
The International party was held at the end of the month and we had a "Celebrity" theme. So people dressed up as their favourite celebrities which included Charlie Chaplin (my roomie), Backstreet Boys, Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe, the Danish Prime Minister, Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, the Sex and the City girls, Ashton Kutcher and Lindsay Lohan to name a few. I dressed up as Lucy Liu from Kill Bill. It was a great party with food from all around the world, entertainment and a little award show (best dressed, best character, etc). Oh the entertainment included us internationals singing a Danish song (which turned out to be a hit) and dancing to "Everybody" from the Backstreet Boys (
We had a practical week where we could either stay at the school and teach kids or go out to boarding schools to teach. I went to a school called BGI (Bjerre Gymnastik and Idreatskole). It's a gymnastics and sports school with wonderful kids and teachers. I taught some gymnastics and basic acro. It was a good experience to see how the boarding school system works and it was nice to get out of the school (Ollerup) too.
APRIL: We had 5 days off for Easter and I went to Badgastein (in Austria) with 40 other students from the school to go skiing and snowboarding. It was my first time ever and I chose to snowboard. We had 4 days on the slopes which was not enough for a beginner, I was only just getting the hang of it and we had to leave! But it was so much fun, I fell like a million times but I didn't care, I just got up and tried again or stayed down and enjoyed the amazing views of the Austrian Alps or watched others ski/snowboard by. The weather was awesome too, we had sunshine the whole time and I got the best goggle tan ever! Haha a lot of people got burnt. All in all I had the best time ever and am looking forward to snowboarding again (whenever that may be).
I went to my roommate's house last weekend and met her family who are so lovely. We also went to her dad's workplace. He's a fireman in Copenhagen and I dressed up in his uniform and equipment and damn it is heavy! He also took me up the ladder that went up to 27m high. You can see almost all of Copenhagen from up there. Then we were given a tour around the station, it was really nice and they have a frame with fire brigade badges from all around the world and I spotted one from Western Australia…. Good stuff!
We had sport tournaments and workshops this week. Ollerup won the girls' volleyball and the boys' football came 2nd (it's the first time ever Ollerup made it to the finals!). I participated in the dance workshops in another school, as I'm not all that good with ball games. So I learnt Locking for the first time which was very fast and difficult. Then we did Funk with this awesome full of energy and happy teacher called Peter Friis. It was so much fun. And then we finished off with Modern which was tiring but we ended with a nice choreography.
And then finally the last event for April was Aspirantstaevne. It was a weekend of gymnastic performances from teams in this Aspirant division and a couple others like us. We performed ok as everyone was so tired from the sport tournaments the days before. We now have time to perfect it before the next performance which is in 3 weeks. Oh and of course the event ended with a party themed "Festival". I along with some other friends dressed up as hippies from Woodstock. It was a good party with a lot of drunk people and people dressed up in crazy outfits. There were a few beer bongs going around too but I didn't dare to take it. I can't drink beer like that!
I know I was supposed to keep this blog brief but sometimes I just can't stop typing! But this is the end now anyways. Hope everyone is well. Take care xoxo
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