The first week of our actual schedule was good. The only down side is that I got a cold earlier in the week. It was bound to happen sooner or later as people are getting sick here and it's just spreading like flies! we do after all eat, sleep and have class together. This weekend is a free weekend which means students can go home for the weekend and there are no plans for us staying at the school so we can relax! it's nice to just do nothing. I was watching movies all day yesterday and watched a swedish one which was quite good (had to read the subtitles!).
But today is cleaning day. So Lise and I have been cleaning and will need to vacuum soon too, who knows what's on this filthy floor! As our room is so small things just clutter and fill up the space! Anyways we said we would clean this room like 20 times this last week so we must do it!
Oh have had my first week of Danish lessons which has been good. and the students here have been teaching me some stuff too. My aim is by then end of this semester is to understand and speak Danish. So I need to practice practice practice!
Half the school went out Friday night to a club in Svendborg, greatly organised by Sune. We got happy hour for 3 hours and the whole top floor to ourselves so it was really good. Since I had a cold I wasn't sure how much I was going to drink and I wasn't going to stay at home and miss out on all the fun! I thought maybe I should just have 1 beer and then Lise said just drink it away, I wasn't sure and was going to play it by ear. Anywho I ended up having 7 drinks! and you wouldn't believe it... I wasn't even tipsy! what's with the alcohol?!!? If I had 7 drinks at home I think I'd be on the floor! I had 2 gin and tonics, 2 tequila shots, a pink p**** drink, rasberry bicardi with sprite and a southern comfort with cult (an energy drink as red bull is actually banned here). Please tell me it's not normal for me (little me, small person) to not be drunk after all that alcamohol. Well it definitely kept me awake. We didn't leave the club til 2am and I got to be about 3am. Danced a lot and took lots of photos. I haven't been to club in like 3 years! I had so much fun that night. People were suffering the next day and a lot of people (incl me) missed breakfast the next morning =p
Oh today we had a group of crazy people come to the school to do a demonstration of this sport called Splash Diving. They went to the recent world champsionships. Go to this website and you can read all about it. We watch it in pain... that's all I have to say, well the aim is to make the most splash as possible but it is crazy!
Anywho time to get that vacuum cleaner and then maybe go watch another movie. Hej hei (bye).
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