Sorry it's been a while since I last blogged. A lot has happened since. We had a week where all the teams went to different cities/countries for a study trip. The power tumbling team went to Poland, TeamGym went to Iceland, dance rhythmic and performance teams went to Stockholm in Sweden. And all the international students went to Copenhagen. Would've loved to go to Stockholm as I'm part of the performance team but we had to stay within the country as some students' visas didn't allow them to leave Denmark. But all in all we had a great time considering I've been to Copenhagen a few times. We had a packed week filled with museum visits, a canal cruise around Copenhagen, Vikings, history and buildings of Denmark, Tivoli, Christiana and lots more. It was a great 5 days in Copenhagen though the weather was very cold but the sun was shining. At one point I was wearing 4 layers of clothing (including 2 jackets) and I was still cold, oh and I was also wearing a scarf! Hmm… I wonder how I will survive when Winter hits!
My Uggies will come in very handy. I have been wearing them a lot already, as I've been sick with some stupid cold/flu thing so they have been keeping me nice and warm. Was in Glasgow on the weekend watching the Sports Acrobatics World Age Games. There was a trio from my acro club that was in the competition and my coach was there also so I went and surprised them. The competition was really good considering these kids were only between the ages of 11 and 19 years. The seniors are on this weekend. Would've loved to watch them but couldn't stay in Glasgow more than that weekend. Had to go back to school! =p Australia did well at the competition, didn't get a placing and we rarely do as Russia and Great Britain and all those other countries are a lot stronger in this sport than we are. I took way too many photos and will put them up eventually.
The schedule at Ollerup has slightly changed and will change again after the Autumn vacation (which has now started!). We now have creative workshops on Thursday afternoons for 2 periods. You could choose form Knitting/Crocheting, Bodystorm, Knife making, Painting and Band. I chose knitting as my first preference cos I wanted to learn how to make scarves but I got bodystorm instead which in the end am very happy with. It's a lot of fun. It's about how to use your body in different ways and forms and also learning how to perform I guess. Last lesson we had to act out a situation we were given but in slow motion. And we also had to pretend to be Mary J Blige and sing and exaggerate and be rockstars! Haha it was good fun. We actually dressed up and sang (well mimed) to all the students during dinner.
Oh yea had my last swimming class today. It was really good. We tried synchronized swimming stuff and man it's hard. I think I need to stop bagging synchronized swimming now. Anyways I'm very happy I chose swimming, as now I really do know how to swim. Who knew that was going to happen huh? I have to thank my awesome teacher Morten. My next sport is Volleyball. Hopefully I can get good enough to play with my cousins!
Anyways so I'm packed and ready to head off tomorrow morning. Using my big backpack for the first time which should be good. Feels ok, I think I've packed the right amount. I shouldn't be buying anything next week, mainly taking lots of pictures but hey I guess you never know! So myself, Alison (Aussie), Hugo (Costa Rica), Nuka (Greenland) and Nuka's brother are all going to Berlin for a few nights and then to Warsaw in Poland for a few nights. All in all we will be away for a week. Most of the Danes and Scandinavians are heading home for the week. I'm looking forward to it so it should be a fun and exciting week.
Ok that's enough for me now. Will update you all when I return from my holidays. Take care and vi ses!
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