It is almost my bedtime but just came back from training. We had a team come down and train and we could join in so I did. This team consist of people from Svendborg and all of south of Fuhn? They are creating a performance team that will be travelling next year and students from Ollerup can try out for the team. I was thinking about it but it means also that there will be further expenses and you have to be doing the 9 month course which has yet to be confirmed for me. Anyways it will be a great opportunity.
So training was good except for my ankle which has started playing up. It has been 1 year and 16 days since I injured. How time flies. My ankle actually started off really well but now it's starting to get sore I guess from all the training that I have been doing. So I have to take it easy now and not do too much which is kinda frustrating when you just want to go out there and do everything. At the moment there are quite a lot of people with injuries that are feeling the same way but I guess it's better to rest it now so we can do more later on.
Oh another thing each day I get something else sore on top of my ankle OR one thing feels better and then something else hurts! Grrr… right now the following is sore: left ankle, right foot, left hip and right arm muscle just above the elbow! Haha ahhh it's all part of being a gymnast hey.
Currently at the school we have a group of oldies that are here for a week. They are all above 60 (I think) and are doing gym related activities (including dancing/rhythm). Talk about a bunch of active people. I hope I'm this active when I get to that age but this is Denmark, this is what they do. You do gymnastics from 5 to 95 years!
Oh an exciting fact, we had our last day of cleaning this morning, yayyyyy!!!!! 2 weeks of torture is over so we can sleep in for an extra half an hour in the morning! Haha
Hey I noticed at breakfast today a few of the boys wearing scarves and then thought back of when I first arrived in Denmark that I have actually seen a lot of people wearing scarves and it made me think. I am in Europe and scarves are very fashionable (as well as keeping you warm of course) and there are no problems in wearing a scarf. So boys back at home, you are not taking away your manhood if you wear a scarf, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, it keeps you warm and looks good. So put on a scarf! But if you don't like them then there is nothing I can do =p
Ok now some random stuff that I keep forgetting to write in my blog:
- I have been drinking so much milk since I've been in Denmark I don't know what they put in it but I just can't stop drinking it. I have it for breakfast and dinner everyday. At least I'm getting a good source of calcium to keep my bones strong.
- Oh something slightly depressing, I am the oldest female here… yup the next in line is 23 years and I will be 25 in 1.5 months. There are a few older boys than me but the average age here is about 20/21. But it's all good I forget about it after a while, until someone guesses my age and thinks I'm 19! haha
- Since I have been here I have raised a lot of eyebrows as to where I am from. People have thought Malaysia, China and Japan. But no I am proudly AUSTRALIAN!
- Finally put my Aussie flag up and my photos of family and friends on my wall. I love looking at all the photos. Now you guys are truly with me in Denmark.
- They feed us a lot here. We have breakfast lunch and dinner as well as 2 lots of refreshments (fruit, bread with spreads) in a day. It's great and as the teachers have said, you need the energy.
- We all have 4 periods a day and then sometimes Saturday activities.
- I am on the student council which is great.
- We get a 1 week holiday in mid October. Not quite sure where I will be going yet. Might go to Ringsted and visit the wheelies there.
- The bank here is frustrating me and sending me around in circles! I still have yet to get a pin number for my card!
Ok I think I have rambled enough. It's time for me to shower and then do a bit of homework and then sleep. Oh and if anybody wants to send anything, the school's address is:
Gymnastikhøjskolen Ollerup
Svendborgvej 3
Ollerup 5762
Vester Skerninge
Okies nighty night and missing you all.
- comments