Blogging from Ringsted, Denmark. It is a small town about 45 mins from Copenhagen. Using the local library's free internet! Gotta love it.
Well I've been here a week now and have been training hard. I have been learning lots of new skills and getting many bruises and sore muscles but it's all worth it. I usually only train once a week for 2 hours at home, so doing wheels almost everyday is pretty hard! I woke up after the first day of training and could barely move cos I was soooooo sore! I need a massage or a spa... yea...
Anyways the weather has been BEAUTIFUL here, 30 degrees plus everyday. The sun is shining nicely and people are sunbaking in the park. We are sleeping at a school next to the halls where we eat and train. and we're sleeping on airbeds, can't wait til I sleep on a normal bed with a proper pillow again (currently sleeping on a blowup pillow which is not quite the same)... but it is better than nothing.
There are wheelers from Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, USA, Denmark, Ireland, UK, Austria, Spain, Italy, Brazil and Australia of course. We have learnt a lot from all the other wheelers and I have learnt a bit of Danish from the locals!
Oh and have introduced Tim Tams to some people too... it's the best! We have also taught Spoons (card game) to a lot of people here and play it every night. It turns out to be a very violent game and we are the loudest table in the hall. For people that don't know the game, it's not about the cards, it's about the SPOONS!!! the person that loses has to do a cartwheel at breakfast. So much fun.
Anyways to sum it up, I'm having a great time here wheeling. Getting ready for my training later today (more bruises and sore muscles) and ready to party tomorrow night!
Farvel! xoxo
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