The last two days have been relatively chilled out. Yesterday we spent the day reading and relaxing. We popped to the beach opposite in the morning but got harassed by Trinidad men and then a quick tropical storm started which was a very good excuse to escape. We popped back later when the beach was a bit quieter (they all play football on it on a Sunday morning) had a swim and a sunbathe. The tan is continuing to develop however I always feel like it's fading when I compare myself to the locals. My treat yesterday was downloading an episode of greys anatomy to watch on my phone. Good times.
Today was the hospital which was pretty standard general practice but they all go to a&e instead patients. Whilst I was sat in our apartment talking to Jennifer eating my healthy lunch of banana and a huge piece of watermelon the chair I was sat on collopsed. It just died a grim and painful death launching me onto the tiled floor. On the way down I quite impressively scratched my lower back and was then sat on the floor in the middle of a pile of chair wanting to cry with the pain. It was all rather amusing afterwards. I did narrowly miss my head on the gas bottle which meant a rather lucky escape!!
We nipped into town to do some food shopping and again it wasn't very successful. It looks like a continued diet of pasta, pasta sauce and some vegetables. This lack of eating too much is probably doing wonders for my waist line (ironic as I'm sat writing this with a bowel of hagan daaz ice cream).
We also managed to fit a quick trip to the beach in the late afternoon. Bacolet beach is beautiful and I might miss having that across the road from me when I'm back in Norwich. To be honest if you could put this beach next to sainsburys in Norwich, Norwich could be classes as perfect. Equally if I could put my house where this tiny one roomed apartment is Tobago would be a lot better. I'm missing having a sofa to sit on and a comfy bed to lie on.
One of the boys went home today and i couldn't help be a little jealous. It's not that I'm bot enjoying it here, I am and there's lots of times whilst laid on the beach I think I'm a very lucky girl indeed. It's more that I like having a nice home to return to, nice food to eat and not having to face hundreds of ants on a daily basis. I was imagining gatwick airport before. As I launch my browner, slightly skinnier body towards mum and ray, hoping for a cheeky lunch at a little chef on the way back to Norwich. Knowing that when I get home two rather loving dogs will show an amazing amount of excitement at seeing me back. Hopefully followed by a BBQ or roast dinner (weather dependant) and a good nights sleep on my comfy bed in my pink bedroom. If you missed any of them hints mum I'll remind you nearer the time.
Anyway it's 8.15pm which means bedtime as I'm knackered. I don't know if it's getting up early, the heat or lack of caffiene but I'm permantly overly tired at the moment.
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