I've now been in tobago and it's starting to grown on me. The accommodation is ok, despite the frequent any invasions an the consequent following with spray and microporous tape to cover up the holes they are escaping from. I also met a cockroach in the bathroom in the middle of the night, again not too nice.
I'm in the a&e department and that seems to be going ok. Learning some bits and bobs and getting better at Understanding the caribbean accent!
A group of us went to sunday school on Sunday night. A fascinating experience, picture a street party with lots of stalls selling food and drink along the road by the harbour and a few bars as well. It starts off with some traditional steel drums which sound amazing followed by dancing in the bars/clubs. I tried jarl burger (it tasted ok but I couldnt quite put the fact that it was shark out of my head) and rum punch. I've now visited two beaches on the other side of the island as well as bacolet beach which our apartment is about 20m from. Pidgeon point was lovely, and it was the final day of the emmancipation celebrations so it was extremely busy with locals. This afternoon we visited turtle beach, another long sweeping white sand beach which was quite quiet and seemed very British due to the local hotel attracting large amounts of British tourists. The waves were tremendous so much fun was had playing in them.
So lots more to do. Apart from 8-12 in the hospital (more if you want) I can spend my days doing what I like. There's 3 day trips organises for us, a glass bottom boat, round the island drive/boat trip and a jungle trek; but not sure when these are yet.
Hopefully like today the rest of the four weeks will be enjoyable and I'll get more used to tobago. The differences between here and England were a bit overwhelming to begin with. Things such as most people don't use taxis they just hitch hike and pay the driver (so called 'p' cars, private cars) and the difference between food shopping (you don't get a nice big sainsburys to sell you all your needs). One thong that does make me smile when you walk through the town is usually old men shouting 'welcome' to us! On that note I'll finish.
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