Only 2 and a half days left. It's gone rather quickly. Since the island tour I've been to the hospital obviously and now I'm all signed off. Monday afternoon we headed to pidgeon point in the afternoon and I think it was possibly one of the hottest days yet. Since then the weather has gone down hill and bacolet beach is now covered in sea weed, not pleasant!
Last night we went for a lovely meal to the salsa kitchen. It's meant to be the best restaurant on the island. It's run by a British man and his Trinidad wife. We had tapas type of food but it wasn't Spanish. It was more a mix of local food and italian but it was all very yummy as well as very reasonably priced! It's based at their house out on a terrace with only 5 tables surrounded by fairy lights. By far my favourite meal in Tobago!
I've now started packing to come home. This is rather exciting. Ive enjoyed my time here but I'm starting to miss England. You know you've been away too long when the novelty of the sea, sun and sand has worn off and it's just the norm. So yes, not much planned for my last few days. I'm going to the hoapital for my final time tomorrow and we will go to the beach all day Friday. Saturday morning there is a festival where there's a boat race from Trinidad go Tobago so we might pop and watch that in town and then get to the airport for 4pm to await the long journey home!
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