I'm going to church tomorrow evening. I have never been to a church service in my life and I'm going for the first time tomorrow. Not exactly by choice. In the hospital this morning there was a patient who had been in a fight. I felt she was being judged a little harshly, so when she left the room I said 'we don't know what the other person is like (the person shes had a fight with) so who are we to judge her'. The doctor then looked at me and asked what church I went to. Me not judging someone must have made me sound like a church goer. I looked rathe baffle and replied with 'church? I've never been to church'. The doctor then looked even more baffled and slightly horrified that I didn't go to church. He asked me what religion I am, I said I didn't have one. He then quickly invited me to church. At first I thought it was said in jest, but I quickly realised it was serious and he said he'd pick me up at 5 tomorrow evening (along with another student). I thought about declining but then thought that's bound to be bad look if my one invitation to church is turned down. And I have to admit I do do the occasional cheeky prayer to god, the last one being for my exams which seemed to have done the trick. The conversation about religion continued with why don't I go to church. I couldn't reply with 'well on a Sunday morning I'm normally not feeling my beat after a Saturday night consuming a little bit of cider and dancing till 3am' so I replied with 'well I've never really thought about it'. So yes, tomorrow will be interesting if it happens. I'm rather hoping for lots of singing and clapping like you see in films. I'll keep you informed.
My other news is I possibly have a stalker. I was on the beach earlier with Kelly when a local man approached. Nothing new there. He did his usual, what is your name and where are you from and he explained he was a fishermen. He then turned to me and said 'I like your body, I've been watching you for 2 weeks now'. And now I'm scared he has been watching me for 2 weeks...eek. I'm sure he's harmless.
Other news is we went to the cinema and mall yesterday. The mall was mostly full of empty shops and the film we saw was pretty crap. I'm never a big cinema lover but the film was truly awful. And the air con in the cinema made it a rather cold experience.
We haven't had much else happen really. There's a substantial amount of biting flying ants that we are encountering in our room too frequently. I've realised something that is majorly better about tobago than the uk regarding it's infrastructure. They have rubbish collection every day (well every middle of the night). None of this every week or every other week nonsense. For a country which only has one tap at sinks (a luke warm tap) I find the regular rubbish collection thing quite fancy. They don't however recycle stuff here (apart from glass bottles); I find it very difficult putting plastic bottles in the bin especially as we go through a lot due to the bottled water.
Anyway, I'm going to sit and read my kindle, standard evening in Tobago. Ill keep you updated about the church thing.
I forgot to say, Nanna you were right about the palm tree leave thing. I saw one drop on the beach and very narrowly miss a woman!
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