So I've now been to a church service. I think this makes me a better person? It was a small church and everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming, one of the first things that was said in the ceremony was welcome to the medical students. There was singing, dancing and clapping; I think I would have found it all a little less awkward if I'd had a pint of cider first. The majority of it was discussing a chapter from the bible. I thought the bible was full of prayers, like a prayer textbook, I didn't realise it was full of stories!
The bible reading was rather long but it was frequently broken up with inspirational comments. I was airports when everyone pulled out their own bibles from there bags and starred with a pen which bit was being discussed. The worst bit of the evening was yet to come. They then went round each row f people asking one person what they had learnt from this bit of bible. Everyone was standing and saying these clever, religious sounding lesson and then it got to my row of chairs. The doctor that had invited us at this point was the one asking what people had learnt and out of my row of 4 I was the only med student in a&e and consequently the only name he new. 'Sarah, what have you learnt?'. I couldn't quite reply with 'well I now know the bible isn't a prayer textbook'; instead I sat there turning an impressive shade of red I imagine awkwardly smiling and not saying a word, whilst everyone else in the room was looking at me with encouraging smiles. Eventually they realised I wasn't about to produce some magical quote and they moved on.
The end of the ceromony was spent with more songs and dancing and everyone shaking our hands saying welcome. Rather nice. We also got asked to fill in a visitors slip where we wrote out details and our prayer...I didn't want to write something to superficial so I wrote a general 'health and happiness for my family'. And that was the church trip over.
There were other thoughts during my time in there. I swore in my head at one point and felt terribly guilty. But yes, for a one off evening it was rather enjoyable I think. They did invite us back on Sunday but I think I'll pass.
The rest of my day was uneventful. The weather has been all rainy and horrible. I had to walk home from the rain in a Tobago tropical storm. It was horrific. And it carried on raining most of the afternoon so we didn't even make it to the beach. We are hoping to go to a new beach tomorrow if the wether is good after the hospital. Fingers crossed!
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