So the mission of a journey isn't quite over yet. We survived the 3 hour drive from rotunda to miami. Established Miami is a bit of a dump so I can rule that out of my future travel plans. The flight to Trinidad was uneventful and went quite quickly. The sights from the window were beautiful, I've never seen sea so bright blue/tourquoise before! We then survived immigration just. A number of questions were asked which i survived and one point I really didn't think Kelly was joining me. Panic over they did. ( we have just found out a Caribbean airways plane crashed this morning, thank flipping god that wasn't ours!). We then had food on us so had to have our hold luggage bags swathed and a quick lecture on not letting locals buy us drinks. Now sat waiting for our connection to Tobago. I've already been commented on by a security guy who turned to his mate to say 'she is fiiiit'. Maybe the denim hot pants werent the best travel option.
I have now arrived in Tobago. A man met us at the airport (possibly the husband of the guesthouse owner, we aren't too sure) but the first shock was there were no seatbelts in the cat. Added with the fact they drive like nutters created a scary dark trip through Tobago. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't's more what I would expect from Africa. The room is liveable but I would be much happier in my nice pink bedroom in Norwich! There's lots of spiders and it's very basic. Eek. There's also a mosiquto net that we aren't sure what do with. But hey, it's dark and I'm guessing jn the morning when the sun is shining it'll all seem better!!
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