Apparently Jim hasn't seen me smile so much in weeks as the day we decided to head for Port Alberni.Christine and Roy's place has been the closest thing to a home we have had in the last year and I was really looking forward to getting there, officially over camping grounds and looking at beautiful scenery every day, not so for Jim he could keep travelling for ever.
It was a bit of a surprise as we didn't let them know we were coming and we weren't expected for a couple of weeks.Chris was chatting to her neighbour and it took a couple of seconds for her to register, she literally did a double take, very funny.So we spent the rest of the afternoon on the deck watching the boys riding around on the trike.Unfortunately Jim had a wee accident and is still limping.Once I realised he wasn't dead I took photos, cruel I know but had camera so did use it.
Christine and Roy have a big trailer down by the river so we took Oki down and we all spent a day and night sitting around the fire by the river, definitely the way to go on a nice day.
Yesterday Chris and I went to the Bull Riding in Coombs, there were even two New Zealand bull riders so I gave them a big cheer when they were mentioned, it was more of a wahoo though than a yeehaw.Saw lots of bull riding, barrel racing and listened to a girl slaughter the Canadian and American anthems, there was a very grateful applause when she finished.Chris and I also had a giggle or maybe more of a cringe at the expense of the teenage cowboys strutting their stuff.
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