I do enjoy tracing your travels, bar by bar, across the world. It is great to know where you are, but I am sure your mother will be much happier when you are in the same country as her. We are looking forward to your return to our ever-expanding family and, no, there are no more due, I am quite happy to relate. With our love to you both, Nana and Grandad.
Terry&marie Firkin
Hi nikki just a quik hello hope we find u both well Hear u are coming home soon. We are still loving our new home in urewera ruatoki. U must visit one day. Just mist u in auckland at christmas. We have 4 loverly children now raiha 5 maukau 4 tamahoe 22months timothy 23 and one more due in august better buy a tv. Great photos will keep in touch. SQUS the spelling&grammar no secretary
love ur photo gun slinger and saloon girl !!!!!!!!