Hey Everyone. Sorry it's been a few days since my last post.
Quite a bit has happened...but I think I've forgot half of it.
Last I think I said was that I was sick. Well I got better but didn't spend much time at the project last week.
Last interesting thing I can remember happening was on Friday. The kids went with us on a bus to Whitesands (a big posh hotel) and sang a few songs. It was one of the things featured in a 'Know Your Status' HIV/AIDS Campaign. It dragged a bit and the kids got bored, and quite a bit was in Swahili so it got dull. But the kids were great.
Friday night was pretty dull. Don't think I went really did. Now Saturday was a different matter.
Went to the Voyager in the day again and played water polo. Was a nice afternoon and I went for a walk on the beach. Usually only tourists go there because its near the hotel so there are a lot of people selling things but I just told them 'Hapana asante, na angalia tu rafiki yangu' (No thankyou, I'm just looking for my friends) and they leave you alone its great! They thought I was from Nairobi where they have some white natives.
Saturday night we went to Il Covo for Sally's last night. It's on the beach and after the meal some of them were on the beach and 4 of us were sat on the ledge just watching. Sally went into the sea with all her clothes on and was swimming with some Kenyan guy.
I just turned to Chuck and said "Lets go Swimming" and we ran down, took t-shirt and shoes off and went in. It was was 1am! We were in for an hour! Got loads of amazing pictures with Missy's underwater camera. I don't even like the sea so I was nervous at first but it was great. Swimming in the Indian Ocean at 2am in the morning!!! We swam really far out to this boat! It wasn't that deep. Then we tried to dry off before our free matatu home.
Sunday I got up after about 3 hours sleep to go watch Mayweather vs. Hatton at 6:30am with Ed and Chuck. When we got there, there were still some people from last night there waiting for breakfast. This one woman came upto us shouting 'mzungu' and telling us she loved us. She told Ed she loved him but he told her he was sorry, that he loved his wife (who is fictitious). I told her the same. Chuck went down a different route and told her that he was gay....with Ed. She kicked off with those 2 because they work in Mogongo and she didn't like that. She liked me (yay ) because I work in Bamburi. She left us alone then and I went home before the fight because I felt tired as hell.
I went to internet and did some jobs I needed doing but Sunday was fairly quiet. I sat on the balcony with Polly and Julie for a while and played stupid games that we played when we were kids.
This morning me and Chuck booked our accomodation for Tanzania and Zanzibar and I went and got my visa. We leave on Thursday morning by the way.
MY iPOD IS BROKEN!!!!!!!!! Gutted. Woke up, went to get it from where it is plugged into the speakers, and it just didn't work. No idea why, and it wasn't detected when plugged into the computer. Have bought a cheapish (but more than the UK!!!) Cd Player in the meantime and made some CD's from Jenny's iTunes.
Had a great day at project with the mama's and the kids.
Going to airport with Polly tonight, then into Mogongo with Chuck for a haircut!! It's getting too long but hairdressers over here don't cut Mzungu hair god knows what it will end up like. I'm worried!!
That's about it. Check the site on Wednesday night...all the pictures from the last week and the awesome pics from in the water on Saturday will be uploaded before I go to Zanzibar.
Give me some emails/messages those of you I've not heard from in a while - It's Christmas.
If someone could email me some MP3's of Christmas songs that would be will take me ages to d/l them but I could get them in the end.
Hope to hear from you all soon.
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