Hey everyone.
Right...last couple of days been pretty busy. Just got all the safari pictures uploaded and am putting them into some logical order in a minute.
Handwashing all my clothes is a real pain.
I bought some speakers for 3000 KSH (about 20 quid) which were a bargin and we now have loud music in the flat. I'm going to take them into the home at Christmas so we have Christmas music.
I sat and talked to the security guard at Tumaini for ages today. He works 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, and gets paid about 30 quid a MONTH. It's rubbish for people out here.
A past volunteer from Tumaini came back last week and shes raising thousands of pounds so now the home can test for HIV themselves. They named the lab after her and we had a few visitors and a cake etc...quite a good day EXCEPT...
I didn't know this was happeneing as I decided to spend some time away from cleaning and the kids and went in the kitchen and made chipatties and served the lunch and washed up afterwards. Was in there about 3 hours. So I come out and play dodgeball with the older lads cos I taught them how to play the other day. After 15 minutes I was sweating like a virgin in a brothel. It was rank. I had a white shirt on which went see-through and it was filthy. Then the cameras come out and this ceremony with me looking half-dead. Ah well...
My swahili is getting good now. I know enough that I can say all the things I need to people...but they all speak very good English so it doesn't really matter.
Still got a scar from the ceiling fan injury on the 2nd day.
Send me an email or leave me a message or something. Hope your all enjoying the build up to Christmas. Is it cold?
Take care
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